
Fall diabetic nephropathy patients need effective weight control

In the custom of the people we have autumn "stick autumn fat" say this, but here reminded that not all people are suitable for "stick autumn fat" for patients with diabetic nephropathy is concerned, autumn to effectively control weight, can help delay or prevent diabetes in patients with chronic kidney disease. Due to the presence of diabetic nephropathy complex metabolic disorder, once the development of end-stage renal disease, treatment is often more difficult than the other kidney disease, so prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy for delaying major significance.

Diabetic nephropathy weight loss can relieve kidney problems

In the United States about 35 percent of adults suffer from diabetes, and some degree of kidney disease, according to study lead author Dr. William C. Knowler reports, diabetes is the leading cause of renal failure.

He said that the findings and the now popular in many perspectives consistent diet that emphasized the importance of interventions for patients with diabetes, patients with diabetes can also contribute to weight loss from a positive motivation.

Dr. Knowler said the weight loss program does improve the problem of kidney disease in diabetic patients, it also brings including the prevention of depression, knee pain, urinary incontinence and help patients recover after exercise heart rate and other aspects of health-promoting effect.

Fall of diabetic nephropathy can not eat what?

1, diabetic nephropathy your blood sugar is high, so pay attention to easy to make blood sugar foods, such as white sugar, brown sugar, sugar, glucose, maltose, honey, chocolate, toffee, fruit sugar, candied fruit, canned fruit, soft drinks, fruit juices , sweet drinks, jam, ice cream, cookies, cakes, sweet breads and pastries, such as sugar, try to eat less.

2, Eat easy to elevated blood lipids in foods such as butter, suet, lard, butter, cream, fat, cholesterol-rich foods, they should pay particular attention should be no or little use, prevent arteriosclerosis heart disease.

3, should not be drinking. Because the alcohol contained in the wine does not contain other nutrients only heat, long-term consumption of liver adverse, and can lead to increased serum triglycerides. So, for your safety or not drinking better.

Chinese medicine treatment of diabetic nephropathy or choose good!

Western medicine treatment of diabetic nephropathy, most patients require long-term or lifelong medication, and high side effects of western medicine, will further increase the burden on the kidneys, to a certain extent, will be worse, the situation is recurrent and long lasting prone, so this method is increasingly the more the patient is not welcome. Now in the country to use more Chinese medicine reduces relapse and no side effects, and this is one of the effective treatment of diabetic nephropathy.

TCM compared with western medicine, hormones, diuretics and other traditional therapies, the effect is more stable and will not appear palliative situation, recurrent and so does not appear. That avoids the side effects of western medicine, but also radically adjust the patient immunity, ease of kidney function. Let secretion in patients with kidney environmental balance. Treatment effect is more stable, no relapse after cure!

Diabetic nephropathy harm to the body can not be ignored, the patient needs to be controlled in diet, exercise, weight, etc., and effective control of the disease, but also need to choose the right hospital treatment, if you have other content you want to know, you can always consult our the website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

