
Spring Health Guide: Spring kidney Beware into errors

In everyday life, there are some friends because of poor kidney function needs "kidney", but there are some people put something right, "kidney" on the mouth. Experts, many people have a misconception kidney. To relieve this misunderstanding, the experts make special detail.

Spring Health Guide: Spring kidney Beware into errors

Myth # 1: Young people do not have kidney disease

Experts point out that some of the young white-collar workers often day and night reversed, and the like protein, high-fat, high-calorie foods, leading to excess nutrients. Seafood with beer diet also easy to induce gouty nephropathy. In the hospital clinic, currently gouty nephropathy in patients 30 years old has increased, and the male-dominated. Experts advise young people, once found high blood pressure, we must go and look up the kidney. In addition, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, bloody urine, increased foam, eyelids, lower limb edema, increased nocturia, waist pain, etc., it is likely that kidney issued a "distress signal."

Myth # 2: kidney, kidneys, just a man thing

Many people believe that kidney, kidneys, and is a man thing, women tend to relax their vigilance. In actual fact, in fact, women are the high incidence of kidney disease population, greater nephropathy and female relationships. Professional women for a long time excessive tension, fatigue, pressure and fatigue experienced increasing. Meanwhile, the women's own immune system relative to men, in itself is low, there is a more susceptible factors. Experts pointed out that many women in order to slim beauty, the blind pursuit of weight loss secret recipe, chaotic Chijianfeiyao of kidney damage is also large. The special physiological structure and psychological characteristics of women also decided that women are more susceptible to kidney disease, especially pyelonephritis, lupus nephritis.

Experts advise that women with lupus nephritis patients during treatment must be to prevent colds, diarrhea, tonsillitis disease, so as not to induce or aggravate kidney damage, avoid self-medication. Driving women may often have Bieniao circumstances, to pay attention not long drive to reduce excessive eating in spicy food.

Myth # 3: backache, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus wanted "kidney"

Nephrology clinic at the hospital, doctors often encounter some patients as backache, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness and other Shenpi to seek treatment, and requests, wanted to "kidney." Some patients also easily listen to the illegal advertising propaganda, free medicines, blind kidney, there have been adverse reactions to treatment before.

Experts said that these patients tend to think that as long as the kidney mended, all other problems can be solved. In fact, people mistakenly believe that kidney disease is kidney, the kidney Chinese medicine and Western medicine renal confused. Kidney dysfunction is mainly the result of nutritional deficiencies, exhibit and kidney-related hypogonadism, such as slow thinking, sexual dysfunction, easy fractures, anemia, urinary wait any longer, waist and legs felt weak and so on, these are middle-aged common situation of people, but it can not be generalized, the symptoms would certainly caused kidney.

Experts pointed out that fatigue and age is not a standard definition of the kidney. Originally people do not need to eat kidney kidney medicine, not only nutrients that can not be up on the back added a detoxification organ burden. As in the acute stage of taking cold kidney dogwood, foxglove, etc., will result in sicker, hard to be cured, therefore TCM will say "three-drug." Kidney drugs on people who have bad stomach hurt, not only can not absorb such a simple kidney, but side effects may occur such as diarrhea.

Myth # 4: Kidney Health Products hint can "impotence"

Experts said there are a lot of people think, kidney is the main organ affected male sexual function, sexual function kidney will not. Eat a kidney medicine, will be able to kidney yang. For a lot of "kidney" products currently on the market are often misleading advertising people, and even mistaken "aphrodisiac", but also "eat on the Spirit." Experts reveal, in fact, the world is not a drug or health products that can improve renal function immediately. Instead, daily life does not increase the burden on the kidneys, is the real "kidneys," "kidney."

Experts also said that there are some people due to psychological factors emerged sexual dysfunction after eating kidney medicine, the role of self-confidence, and may be a result of improvements, so think kidney drugs played a role. In fact, for real organic disease patients, no treatment, no matter how "aphrodisiac" will not produce any effect.

More kidney disease-related knowledge, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

