
Acute interstitial nephritis - Treatment

Acute interstitial nephritis, a sudden inflammation in renal interstitial edema, inflammatory cell infiltration, tubular degeneration showed different degrees of renal insufficiency with a syndrome of acute interstitial customarily referred to by a variety of causes nephritis. Because of the glomeruli and renal vascular disease most normal, and people used to call it glomerulonephritis different. The disease is a common cause of infection and drugs, another part of the patient to find the cause and not specifically called idiopathic acute interstitial nephritis. The disease is no obvious geographical distribution, in addition to drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis with the use of a drug related, infectious or idiopathic acute interstitial nephritis, all with women than men, especially common in young women, However, the incidence of older men is also high. 90% of patients the disease is treatable, and pathological damage is heavy or not treated, improper treatment, could be left behind and cause permanent renal dysfunction with impaired renal function.

(A) disabled after removing allergens sensitizing drugs, the majority of mild acute interstitial nephritis can gradually relieve itself.
(B) immunosuppressive therapy in severe cases should be taking corticosteroids such as prednisone daily 30--40mg, tapering condition improved, taking a total of 2-3 months, can accelerate disease remission. The indications for the use of hormones:
1, after stopping the drug delayed recovery of renal function;
2, diffuse interstitial cell infiltration or granuloma formation;
3, a sharp deterioration in renal function;
4, severe renal dialysis. For shock therapy or oral. Rarely need and use of cytotoxic drugs.
(C) cases of acute renal failure on dialysis dialysis treatment should be timely better prognosis of acute interstitial nephritis, mostly reversible, few patients can be left kidney damage, and the development of end-stage renal failure. The prognosis is mainly severity of the disease, renal function, the degree of renal interstitial infiltrates, acute renal failure, duration and age and so on.

For more information, please visit uremia our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

Autoimmune nephritis - Expert advice

A life care: autoimmune nephritis regardless of severity after 1-2 weeks of bed rest should be to improve renal blood flow, reduce the incidence of complications, be edema, blood pressure normal, stable disease may be appropriate to participate in sports activities , such as: walking, tai chi, etc., do not overdo, and rest time should be the law, to maintain adequate sleep time. Nephritis patients with poor immune resistance, susceptible to infection, it should pay attention to moisture and warm, try to avoid going to public places. Attention to oral hygiene, to avoid the occurrence of stomatitis. Keep the patient's skin clean, bedroom should be quiet, clean, light and suitable, should keep sheets flat, dry, soft and comfortable.
Second, diet care: diet therapy is delaying progression of renal damage autoimmune nephritis is an important content, the principle is quality protein, high in vitamins (except vitamin A), low phosphorus, low-fat diet digestible. Quality protein refers to eggs, milk, meat and other animal protein rich in essential amino acids, but their intake according to the disease. Fasting variety of spicy food. Have high blood pressure, edema, heart failure patients with ascites or to restrict salt intake, daily 5g less and less water to be appropriate, the amount of liquid into the body daily is generally equal to the previous day's urine plus 500ml.
Third, the drug treatments: medication prescribed time quantitative avoid the use of drugs for kidney damage, not prophylactic antibiotics to prevent drug resistant strains. At the same time to observe the effects of drugs, such as side effects of glucocorticoid is Cushing's syndrome, manifested as moon face, acne, hirsutism, central obesity, irritability, insomnia, can cause high blood pressure, gastrointestinal bleeding and induce or aggravate infection, symptoms promptly consult medical personnel.
Four, to observe changes in condition: long lasting immune nephritis may develop uremia, so individuals and their families should pay attention to changes in condition, abnormal situation immediately to the hospital, in order to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment. Autoimmune nephritis patients into uremia often have varying degrees of anemia, easy bruising and subcutaneous bleeding gums. Early symptoms are headache, lethargy, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, oliguria and so on. Prevention of autoimmune nephritis patients into uremia while to prevent heart failure, early symptoms of heart failure is faster pulse, breathing difficulties, irritability, and a day and night urine output of less than 500ml, hypertensive encephalopathy occurs early symptoms are severe headache , jet-like vomiting and convulsions.

For more information, please visit uremia our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

Autoimmune nephritis - Prognosis and Prevention

Autoimmune nephritis is dominated by kidney damage and chronic autoimmune disease. Cause a lot of damage to the kidneys immunity, repeated implicit or explicit hemolytic streptococcal infections, such as acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis is caused by diseases such as disease recurrence and promote the main reason for the deterioration. Rational drug therapy can improve renal pathological extent of the damage, however, cause kidney damage or engage in special immune complex deposition in glomeruli glomerular basement membrane antibodies, it is still hard to thin lesions bottom restoration, and each infection will cause illness intensified, and even induce renal failure. Therefore, the treatment of autoimmune nephritis, for infections of the principal contradiction, togetherness exercises should avoid recurrent infections of various systems, including colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pyelonephritis, enteritis. In order to avoid or reduce the number of infections occur, according to the tolerance of the body, appropriate to participate in sports activities to enhance resistance to disease.

Prognosis: by effective treatment of infective endocarditis, bacteremia after eradication of kidney disease can be recovered, and clinical manifestations of nephritis is still sustained for up to several months, and the clinical rehabilitation after nephritis, kidney biopsy may also have signs of nephritis . Few extensive and severe kidney damage, can become chronic, delayed healing, to the development of renal insufficiency.
Prevention: First, to get rid of incentives and treatment of the primary disease, the lesions to prevent and treat a variety of infections, such as oral infections, skin infections, urinary tract infections and pneumonia, to reduce the incidence of infective endocarditis. Many scholars have found that often occurs after extraction transient bacteremia, especially while suffering from periodontal disease or tooth removal and more especially in the case only under. Many oral bacteria can enter the blood through the wound, but the most common viridans. Gastrointestinal and urogenital trauma and infections often cause enterococci and gram-negative bacteremia. Staphylococcal bacteremia seen infections of the skin and away from the heart. So proceed with preventive medication may be appropriate from prevention of bacteremia, but with antibiotics to prevent the disease both positive and also to avoid misuse. In addition, we must adhere to prevent the main, to the masses of the dangers of this disease and to advise people to stay away from drugs. For intravenous drug dependence / who persuaded active drug in order to reduce the incidence of heart infective endocarditis. The main measures are also effective in preventing infective endocarditis prevention of renal damage.

For more information, please visit uremia our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org


Or facial swelling and nephritis related to the daily attention to three points

Nephritis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease is the line of immune-mediated renal, different microbial antigens after infection the human body, produces different antibodies, binding to a different immune complexes deposited in different parts of the pathological damage caused kidney , the formation of different types of nephritis. The first category referred to as acute nephritis, the second category referred to as rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, the third category referred to as chronic nephritis, the fourth category referred to as occult nephritis. This article introduce you to three signals nephritis.

1, toothache can not be ignored

Dental is small, but very close relationship with the body organs, can cause tooth decay away organ disease, which involves the "focus" theory. The so-called "lesions" doctrine that the limitations of diseased tissue in the area have exogenous pathogenic microbial infection, microbial infection or toxin it produces transfer occurs, causing away from organs and tissues are not directly connected to the pathogenesis of the lesion.

Some rheumatism, nephritis, eye diseases such as iridocyclitis, optic neuritis or unexplained fever and other systemic lesions may be associated with dental related. Therefore, regular oral health examination is necessary, it should as soon as possible once found dental treatment, not a cure, and no retention value of teeth should be removed, in order to completely eliminate the lesions.

2, facial swelling to be alert

In addition to the occult nephritis, the rest of the early symptoms of various types of nephritis have a common characteristic, that is, facial swelling. Most of the swelling is the first symptom of nephritis, the first since the facial began, and then spread to the lower limbs, serious eyes open, eyes closed, fist, walking both eyelids, palms and swelling of the foot.

Another feature of all types of nephritis is oliguria. Oliguric acute nephritis with edema can occur simultaneously, and dark urine, urine output may be less than 400 ml per day, individual patients or no urine. And about one-third of patients with hematuria, the naked eye can be found Secheng tea colored urine, usually for several days or even weeks. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis have oliguria characteristics, accompanied by nausea, fatigue and loss of appetite and other symptoms of early onset. Multiple violations of middle-aged male category nephritis. Chronic nephritis, urine specific gravity is low.

3, lower extremity edema should beware

Lower extremity edema can be both a symptom of systemic disease, it may be one of the symptoms of lower extremity localized disease.

Cardiogenic edema occurs when the right kinds of heart disease, heart failure, due to venous blood can not successfully back into the left ventricle, causing increased pressure and intravenous fluids can leak into the tissue space, causing swelling, first appeared in the ankle, and finally throughout the body.

Plasma colloid osmotic swelling during acute and chronic nephritis, renal or kidney disease, due to the reduction in renal blood flow when sodium and water retention, increased capillary permeability, loss of protein in the urine caused by too much lower, can make the interstitial fluids aggregation cause edema. Although common in the lower limb edema, but first appeared in the eyelids and face, and then spread to the lower limbs and body, accompanied by oliguria or nocturia, polyuria embolism.

Edema liver cirrhosis of the liver is mainly due to structural damage, the door and the door venous obstruction due to increased hydrostatic pressure, but malnutrition, liver failure, low serum albumin has a relationship, swollen ankles and spread upward from the start , but the most obvious significant ascites, rarely spread to the upper limbs and head and face. When malnutrition, edema dystrophy lowering serum albumin edema, first appeared in the lower limbs, and gradually spread throughout the body upward. Before swelling, first, malnutrition, malabsorption or chronic wasting disease.

Locality much lower extremity edema due to venous, lymphatic obstruction due cause fluid into the tissue space, such as the lower extremity thrombophlebitis, lymphangitis, filariasis, pelvic or lower extremity venous tumor suppression, often appear in unilateral lower limb edema, generally do not spread the body.

Nephritis patients in their daily lives to pay attention to the following points

1, pay attention to rest and avoid fatigue, avoid mood swings and mental stimulation. Prevent insect bites. Removal of possible allergens.

2, keep warm and prevent colds. Control and prevention of infection, when there is a clear choice sensitive foci of infection or antibiotics, but should avoid blindly prophylactic use of antibiotics.

3, diet, mostly because of allergic purpura caused by allergens, should be fasting raw onions, raw garlic, pepper, wine and other spicy foods, meats, seafood, should avoid contact with pollen and other allergens.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

What are the symptoms of kidney cysts?

Renal cysts of varying sizes is a general term that do not communicate with the outside world appeared cystic mass within the kidney, are benign, usually multiple renal cysts into adult kidney failure, simple renal cysts and acquired renal cysts three types.

Among the most common simple renal cysts, the population over 50 years the incidence of strings over 50%, usually unilateral single, but also how much fat or polar person, bilateral occurrence is extremely rare. Unilateral and single kidney cyst is okay, relatively speaking, more than the beginning of the clinical neglect has occurred at any age, but more than two-thirds of people over the age of 60.

Treatment of renal cysts due to the need to vary due to illness, if the slow development of renal cysts, larger patient-years G5, nor in the case of asymptomatic kidney damage, even if a large cyst may not be treated, but need to be taken regularly review the kidneys B-; If the patient due to renal cysts cause back pain, voiding dysfunction, and renal cysts more than 5 cm in diameter, should be taken to surgery, but easy to relapse.

What are the symptoms of kidney cysts?

The vast majority of patients with renal cysts and asymptomatic, some patients may be due to the cyst itself and wrap the pressure increased, infections and the following symptoms:

A urine contains a lot of bubbles, and lingering, called proteinuria, generally are small, not more than 2 ml a day.

Second, the emergence of macroscopic hematuria, cyclical episodes, episodes of low back pain intensified when, trauma, strenuous exercise, infection can aggravate the symptoms.

Third, abdominal mass is more common, about 80% of patients palpable enlargement of the kidneys. Typically, the larger the kidneys, renal function deteriorates.

Fourth, waist, abdominal discomfort or pain. More pain for pain, dull, fixed in one case or both, to the lower lumbar back radiation.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

Bloody urine does not mean that nephritis

Often encountered in the clinic routine urine occult blood positive people, usually without any symptoms. The subjects were often very nervous that he was suffering from nephritis. Some people even went so far removed for treatment, wasting a lot of time and effort. In fact, this view is very one-sided.

Generally contain more red blood cells in the urine, known as hematuria. Hematuria main cause urinary system diseases, systemic diseases, urinary tract diseases, and other causes of adjacent tissue. Generally believed that the most common is the urinary system diseases, among glomerular diseases, stones, infections and tumors are more common.

Occult blood when urine, but no red blood cell microscopy, often there are two cases. Said case containing free hemoglobin in the urine, known as hemoglobinuria. Another situation urine contains large amounts of myoglobin, called myoglobinuria.

The clinical significance of urine occult blood test is mainly to identify hemoglobinuria, and its positive does not mean that if suffering from nephritis. Blood transfusion reactions are generally incompatible, beans disease, paroxysmal hemoglobinuria, malaria, extensive burns and inflammation caused by certain drugs or poisons such as urine occult blood can be positive. Hemoglobinuria may arise when the onset of hemolytic anemia. In addition, patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and hemoglobinuria patients allergic attack can be positive.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org


Children's home diet kidney patients

Children nephropathy is clinically common type of kidney syndrome, not only a serious threat to children's health and life, but also affects the normal growth and development of children, and even lead to death of the patient. Therefore, especially for children drink kidney patients need to pay attention on the food, we look at the children's kidney disease experts diet.
A control fat
Children kidney patients often appear hyperlipidemia, dietary needs control of protein intake, do not eat high-fat and high-cholesterol foods, such as animal liver, egg yolk, roe, sugar, etc., children need to control the supply of total calories, obesity the need for appropriate weight loss.
Second, micronutrient supplementation
Because children glomerular kidney disease destroyed, glomerular permeability, so that not only lead to a huge loss of protein, trace elements and drugs can also lead to some loss of particles, such as iron, magnesium, zinc, etc., once the missing body these trace elements, there will be a range of diseases. So children need to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to supplement the body needs trace elements.
Third, control of protein
Children can occur in patients with nephrotic proteinuria, loss of protein expression, protein reduced if the body can cause hypoalbuminemia, causes the body to reduced immunity, edema symptoms difficult to eliminate, so the patient does not appear to renal failure may be appropriate to eat some high-quality protein foods, but also need to be controlled to avoid increased kidney burden.
Fourth, control of sodium
Children with nephrotic edema is a major symptom of patients is due to water retention caused by sodium retention, and therefore need to control salt intake, daily intake of salt can not be more than 3 grams, do not eat preserved foods, with light diet based.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

Kidney patients should pay attention to potassium, calcium

Kidney patients should pay attention to potassium, calcium! In peacetime, kidney patients should add some elements conducive to the stability of the disease among the daily diet, which reduced the extent of damage to the health of patients with kidney disease is particularly advantageous. Experts point out that kidney disease diet which requires proper calcium and potassium, which promote the rehabilitation process of patients is particularly useful. Here we give a useful introduction to what food intake of potassium, calcium supplement to help kidney patients.
High potassium foods are usually patients should pay attention to eat more, which reduce the extent of the damage the kidneys are particularly useful. Mushrooms, dried longan, lily, seaweed, dried vegetables, edible fungus, mushrooms, dried red dates; higher potassium fruits are watermelon, banana, pineapple, dates, melons and other vegetables are amaranth, spinach, celery, carrots, bamboo shoots, potatoes, beans, taro, seaweed, mushrooms and cedar, all kinds of food in potassium are more concentrated in the husk, peel and chicken, as refined and processed food is lower in potassium than whole grains, fruits, peeled potassium content than skin is low fat, low potassium content than meat. Because potassium is soluble in water, so thick soup, juice, broth contain a considerable amount of potassium, removing soup and boiled fruit canned fruit potassium content lower than fresh fruit.
Kidney disease also need to eat some everyday foods that are high in calcium, which will help restore the health of the kidneys. Calcium contained in milk and dairy products have a higher absorption rate, a common high calcium foods: fennel, green amaranth, pickled vegetables, rape moss, kale and other dark green vegetables, small radish sprouts; lemon; sesame, peanuts, pine nuts; sea cucumber, fish, seaweed, kelp, and you can even bone, shell fish eaten with shrimp; fungus, mushrooms, egg yolks, legumes; sufficient ground to animal bone meal as a calcium source, its calcium content have 20 percent as much. Phosphorus is widely distributed in foods, lean meat, eggs, milk, animal liver, kidney concentrations are high. Kelp, seaweed, peanuts, dried beans, nuts, whole grains are also very rich in phosphorus. Kidney patients should pay attention to the amount of added in the usual kind of food.
Kidney patients should pay attention to potassium, calcium! In peacetime, kidney patients need to focus on ways to effectively through diet stable disease, in addition to a reasonable mix of diet, the patient should also play an active attention to the effectiveness of kidney disease remedies, seek a comprehensive containment conditions, reduce harm nephropathy.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

Kidney patients to be alert to low potassium diet

For modern people, not just eat it solve the problem of food and clothing, but also to satisfy the human body needs a variety of nutritional intake and can be fully absorbed and used, this is more the case for kidney disease patients, but there many kidney failure patients on the diet is not strictly on a variety of complications worse.
Note kidney patients one: salt restriction, low salt low fat. Kidney disease, such as edema or hypertension occurs, you should limit the amount of salt, usually daily salt intake to 2-4g appropriate. Because low-salt diet helps to avoid sodium retention, edema and hypertension to prevent aggravating. Fat: fat can cause arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis and kidney disease itself is the performance of the kidneys, so we should use more vegetable fats, Eat less animal fat and vegetable oil daily intake control 60-70g less. Vegetable oils such as soybean oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, olive oil or the like instead of animal fat as a source of energy, small amounts of saturated fatty acids, and contain more unsaturated fatty acids, which not only does not cause arterial sclerosis, but also to lower cholesterol .
Note two kidney patients: high quality low protein. Excessive protein intake can increase the burden on the kidneys, so to control the total amount of protein intake. But proteins as important nutrients, the body can not do without, especially the essential amino acids that the body can not synthesize their own foreign intake must therefore contain more high-quality protein essential amino acids should be guaranteed. The specific implementation is a vegetable protein should be minimized because the plant protein contains a lot of purine bases, excessive intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, appropriate to add milk, eggs, fish, lean meat and other animal protein.
Note kidney patients III: Supplementary heat. Heat will spend less than the body's own proteins, so creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased, worse, it is extremely important to make up calories. At low protein diet, heat supply must be sufficient to maintain normal physiological needs, intake of 30-35 kcal / kg body weight of the heat every day. "You can choose a number of high-calorie and low protein content of staple foods, such as potatoes, arrowroot flour, noodles, taro, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkin, chestnut flour, water chestnut powder, so that the total dietary calories to achieve the standard range, to ensure the supply and demand balance. "Zhou Xin said.
Precautions four kidney patients: low potassium diet. Hyperkalemia is one of the most common chronic renal failure complications. Severe hyperkalemia can cause cardiac arrest and other life-threatening, it should be very vigilant. To prevent hyperkalemia, daily potassium intake should be limited to 2g or less, Shensi high potassium foods, cooking methods also by high potassium foods to K "as water soaked potatoes, vegetables boiled in water fresh vegetables cooked abandoned water, discard water after eating fruit sugar boiled pulp, etc.. "
Caution five kidney patients: calcium phosphorus. Chronic renal disease, electrolyte disturbances with low calcium high phosphorus is common, so the diet should pay attention to calcium phosphorus. Regrettably high calcium foods higher phosphorus, such as ribs, shrimp and so on. So calcium phosphorus diet emphasizes low phosphorus diet. Zhou Xin pointed out that "should be fasting animal organs such as the brain, liver, kidney, etc., do not eat goose, seafood, old fire soup, do not drink, eat pumpkin seeds and other dried fruit."
Precautions six kidney patients: low purine. Due to a large number of purine metabolism in the body will increase the burden on the kidneys, especially in patients with gout, high purine diet can induce gout, gout aggravated the condition. And celery, spinach, peanuts, chicken, all kinds of broth, ZhuTouRou, sardines and animal offal and so contains a lot of purine, it should be strictly limited to food. Lean meat also contains purines, in the consumption of meat can be first in the water to cook, abandoned soup consumption.
Note seven kidney patients: vitamin supplements and so on. Adequate intake of vitamins, trace elements. Vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc, calcium, iron, etc., may play a protective effect on the kidneys.
Notes eight kidney patients: proper diet high in cellulose. High-fiber diet helps maintain smooth stool, excretion of toxins, the body maintain metabolic balance. Kidney patients should be appropriate to eat more whole grains, "such as cornmeal, buckwheat noodles, taro, kelp, certain fruits and vegetables."
Note that more than eight points are required for kidney patients carefully, success is in the details, and effective body recovery needs clearly know their body physique is how to find the most suited to their diet of the law, nothing to eat, and what ingredients are taboo very important.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org


Caries can not be ignored is not treated can lead to nephritis

Many parents will think caries without treatment, anyway, when the permanent teeth will. In fact, the parents of this idea is not correct, caries is also in need of treatment, if not treated can lead to diseases such as nephritis. Why is this? Experts said that dental problems in children should pay attention, because it will not only affect the child's physical development, but also may affect the psychological development of young people.
Nephritis in children can lead to dental caries
Our 5-year-old child deciduous caries prevalence rate of 66.0%, of which 97% are untreated; 12-year-old children dental caries prevalence 28.9%, 89% without treatment. Now many parents think, is to be replaced anyway, deciduous, deciduous caries does not require treatment, which is a very dangerous idea. Do not underestimate dental caries in children, severe cases, it can cause nephritis, endocarditis and other systemic diseases. Domestic and foreign-related cases have been reported. Further development of dental caries can lead to pulp necrosis, its harmful metabolites or bacterial toxins may be blood or lymph to the rest of the body, in the lower body resistance, can be induced by chronic nephritis, endocarditis and other systemic diseases.
Symptoms in children nephritis
1) Changes in urine
40% to 70% of patients with gross hematuria; urine color, such as washing the meat, such as water or tea and soy sauce-like, about continuing into microscopic hematuria l week. Most microscopic hematuria disappeared within six months, but also sustainable l ~ 3 years to completely disappear. Early onset of decreased urine output, or no urine (urine a day less than 100m1), if more than three days without the urine indicates a serious condition, at this time are often azotemia (BUN> 7.14mmol / L); said compromised renal function. Gradually increased during the recovery period can be up to 2000ml urine disease than renal function gradually returned to normal.
2) proteinuria
Almost all patients with acute nephritis proteinuria, showed an increase in urine foam, usually with the disease severity and the increase or decrease in proteinuria compared with other symptoms slowly disappeared after edema, proteinuria remains sustainable for 1-2 months, and even more long will gradually subside.
3) Hypertension
About 80% of patients with acute nephritis may have high blood pressure, elevated blood pressure often moderate, adult usually 18.7-22.7kPa / 12.0-14.7kPa, occasionally more severe hypertensive crisis may develop, but rarely more than diastolic blood pressure 16kPa. If blood pressure continues to rise to subside into a chronic nephritis is a precursor, indicating more severe kidney disease.
4) systemic symptoms
In addition to the clinical manifestations, patients often have general malaise, fatigue, back pain, frequent urination, loss of appetite and other symptoms. Some patients may exist prodromal infections such as sore throat, fever, skin ulcers and other symptoms.
5) edema
Edema often see the onset of the first symptoms, seen in 70% to 90% of cases, varying severity. Light only eyelid edema, severe cases can extend to the whole body, some patients will appear pleural effusion, ascites and other symptoms. Edema usually in 2 to 3 weeks began to subside, the urine will be gradually increased.
Family therapy in children with nephritis
Pediatric nephritis treatment must be timely, so family therapy for them is very important, let us follow the experts take a look at the family's treatment of children with nephritis it.
1 diet. Early low-salt diet can give when oliguria to a low protein diet (control fish, meat, eggs), eat light foods and fruits, avoid fried foods, severe swelling appropriate restrictions to drink too much water. This is a method of family therapy in children with nephritis.

2 bed rest. Prone to complications, the incidence of two weeks, you should pay attention to rest, there is edema, hypertension should be absolute bed rest, do not let the kids watch TV for too long, too long to get out of bed until the symptoms disappear, check urine normal gradually appropriate activities.
3 prevent complications. Parents found that children continued to decrease urine output, daily urine output of less than 400 milliliters. Shortness of breath, hold your breath, cough, bloody sputum foam, not supine and headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, child disease progression. Complications occurred, should be immediately sent to hospital for treatment.
4 avoid harmful drugs. Nephritis sick children before the acute phase or urine completely back to normal kidneys should avoid using harmful drugs, such as gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, neomycin polymyxin, sulfa drugs, these drugs on kidney harmful to remind parents not to abuse drugs. This is also the home treatment of children with nephritis.

To do a good job of preventing children with acute nephritis

Most of hematuria in children is invisible, only found in red blood cells under a microscope. Macroscopic hematuria in children only a small part. Hematuria colors like bright red and some were watery wash the meat, some like tea color, which is related to the pH of the urine, hope should be observed in the urine of children noticed it.
Most children in the early onset of hypertension, also part of children with severe headache, nausea, vomiting, frequent cough, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.
If handled properly, more than 95% of acute nephritis can be cured.
But prevention is particularly important ---
1, exercise, health, enhancing disease resistance.
2, usually pay attention to skin hygiene, locker, bathe, especially in the summer, to prevent mosquito bites and skin infections.

3, for children with recurrent tonsillitis, tonsillectomy may be considered. To have acute pharyngitis, skin infection, should be given early and effective treatment to reduce the chance of onset of nephritis.
4, pay attention to climate change, in a timely manner to the children change clothes, to avoid feelings of evils.

Winter children with acute nephritis multiple seasons

Every winter, the sick children in children with acute nephritis have more up, the reason is because the hot summer weather, children susceptible to pustule sores, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever and other diseases caused by streptococcus, - the winter, the body Streptococcus toxins allergy occurs, causing children with acute nephritis. In addition, the temperature difference between day and night, winter, prone to disease and other streptococcal tonsillitis in children inflammation and infection in children with nephritis.
Nephritis in children belong to autoimmune diseases, mostly children in children 5 to 10 years of age, the incidence of 1-4 weeks after streptococcal infection usually, at the beginning of the child will be mild eyelid edema, but also accompanied by hematuria, urine color pink, such as washing the meat in water samples, laboratory tests urine protein and red blood cells. The onset of the first few days, patients tend to have elevated blood pressure, and sometimes fever, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and other symptoms.
After suffering from nephritis in children, because children's bodies are still growing, and the immune function are relatively weaker, so the choice of treatment directly affects a child's growth. In clinical practice, we usually see a lot of parents because the choice of Chinese and Western medicine treatment of nephritis in children, resulting in many children have suffered facial swelling deformation, to the children's growth has brought tremendous impact. Do not leave any sequelae after cure of the disease, but if the early onset of improper handling or some severe cases, you can even become chronic nephritis, renal failure, and endanger your baby's life.
For parents, good baby prevention of acute nephritis is most important, such as:
1, to help the baby to exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve the body's resistance to disease baby.
2, pay attention to your baby's skin hygiene, to change your baby underwear, bedding, bathe, but also to prevent mosquito bites a baby skin infections.
3, for the baby recurrent tonsillitis, tonsillectomy may be considered. Because if repeated tonsil inflammation, has not achieve the role of the defense organ, but has become a lesion induced by other diseases.
4, note that according to climate change, and timely change clothes for the baby.
Children with acute nephritis care program and treatment recommendations

There is no specific drug treatment of acute nephritis, but to take measures to alleviate the condition, prevent serious symptoms and promote healing.
During the first two weeks of the onset of the baby, regardless of severity, are to baby bed rest. You can use some baby toys assist in bed doing some mild activity. Once the baby is swelling subsided, gross hematuria disappeared, measurement of blood pressure is normal, you can allow it in indoor activities, but also to walk outdoors. Even if the baby back to normal life, but also to avoid strenuous exercise in the short term. Also, pay attention to your baby's diet, sick baby's early gastric filtration dysfunction, to limit water, food protein and also limit the amount of salt. You can give your baby to eat some high-sugar, containing the right amount of fat, salt or salt-free diet. Such as swelling subsided, blood pressure returned to normal, you can gradually transition from a low-salt diet to a normal diet. During the illness, baby food should be easy to digest, not long-term use of antibiotics during treatment, the use of antibiotics in order to completely remove the remaining lesions streptococcus, and nephritis itself has little effect. But for the serious condition of the baby, parents should try to take your baby hospitalized.


Advanced diabetic nephropathy What are the symptoms?

Diabetic nephropathy is a kidney disease, the dangers of this disease on the human body is very large, especially late diabetic nephropathy. For advanced diabetic nephropathy is very troublesome, it is recommended that patients with diabetic nephropathy should be early treatment of diabetic nephropathy, here we introduce advanced diabetic nephropathy symptoms.
Late symptoms of diabetic nephropathy is the first sign of diabetic nephropathy. Patients with early without proteinuria → After a certain amount of movement occurs only intermittent proteinuria proteinuria → → recurrent, persistent proteinuria, most patients proteinuria in the "+" or higher. When persistent proteinuria, the glomerular filtration rate begins to decline.
With the progression of urinary protein excretion increasing year by year, the amount of urinary protein consistent with the severity of renal disease. Late symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, what does that when the glomerular filtration rate was significantly lower than normal, after massive proteinuria, can quickly develop into renal failure; while the 24-hour urine protein less than 3 grams, urinary protein excretion without increased significantly by renal failure occurs slowly.
Edema and nephrotic syndrome Approximately half of the patients edema, diabetic nephropathy advanced symptoms may be lost when large number of proteins from the urine, a long time due to hypoalbuminemia caused, but the greater the age, the possibility of other causes of edema are also more much.
Hypertension. Late symptoms of nephropathy, proteinuria appears in a long time patient. Early blood pressure only increased after exercise, when there is persistent proteinuria, sustained increases in blood pressure and more often diastolic and systolic blood pressure were significantly increased. Hypertension accelerates the deterioration of renal function in patients with diabetic nephropathy.
To aggressively treat diabetic nephropathy, otherwise it will lead to life-threatening in people with diabetes, diabetes prevention of diabetic nephropathy to actively avoid the pain caused by diabetic nephropathy, the above is only for reference not a basis for diagnosis or treatment, such as your To learn more, please consult an expert.

Learn several symptoms of advanced diabetic nephropathy, the patients with diabetic nephropathy can even hope to actively cooperate with treatment, patients with diabetic nephropathy after it will bring serious harm to patients with diabetic nephropathy should actively cooperate with medical treatment, to develop good customary and reasonable diet, for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy has played a very important role.

Diabetic patients should be alert nocturnal enuresis

Elderly patients and patients suffering from diabetes diabetes over 10 years, will often have nocturnal enuresis phenomenon, the reason is renal function and renal tubular dysfunction due. There are many causes of such a mechanism, such as metabolic disorders as diabetes, blood hypertonic, high viscosity state, microvascular injury, as well as high glomerular filtration, high perfusion status, etc. can make the renal tubular structural abnormalities, abnormal structure inevitably lead to impaired function.
Patients with diabetes should pay attention to the treatment of nocturnal enuresis
Studies have shown that changes in renal tubular histology before, you can change the function appears, therefore diabetic nephropathy has not yet appeared often in the typical manifestations such as edema, hypertension can occur before nocturnal enuresis, urinary osmolality , and decreased urine specific gravity. Therefore, nocturnal enuresis can be used as early warning symptoms of kidney disease. Seize this opportunity to actively delaying treatment of renal complications.
In addition, with the increasing amount of nocturia, also increased the number of nocturia, the light two to three times a night to urinate, weight up to 10 times, often resulting in insufficient patients with sleep, decreased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, listlessness these also can become hyperglycemia, common causes are difficult to control. Thus should cause the attention of clinicians and patients to actively be treated.

Nocturnal enuresis which checks should be done
Diabetes patients nocturnal enuresis can check 12 hours water deprivation urine osmolality, urine specific gravity, urine, urine output (daytime and nighttime ratio) CCr. Criteria for judging the efficacy, in addition to water deprivation 12 hours urine osmolality, urine specific gravity, creatinine clearance, renal tubular marker proteins such as urinary a1-MG, urine b2-MG, urinary NAG, etc. can reference.


How to prevent recurrent nephrotic syndrome

Why would recurrent nephrotic syndrome? There are several main reasons, either because there is no strict accordance with the requirements of medication; others because of their sick, eat lots of supplements cause; others because their lives are too tired lead.

How to prevent recurrent nephrotic syndrome

Actively respond carefully colds, infections. Statistics from the predisposing factors of recurrence, the cold is the most major predisposing factors. Nephrotic syndrome great loss of blood proteins in the urine, loss of material, including the composition of an important component of our immune defense, such as immunoglobulins, complement and so on. Meanwhile in vivo leukocyte function decline, zinc and other trace elements are also lost. These have seriously weakened the body's ability to resist external pathogenic factors.

Nephrotic syndrome patients should be appropriate to strengthen their own health care, proper exercise, enhance physical fitness. Such patients often get advice from a doctor, family or friends there: Be sure to pay attention to rest! Do not tired! Thus, patients with kidney disease naturally break and interest of, dare take a activities. Moreover, this bedridden, to hand out food to mouth comfortable life had played clothes.

In response, medical experts believe that over-reliance on the rest of life for patients with kidney disease rehabilitation harm than good syndrome. Experts believe that walking is a simple and easy way to exercise. Walking exercise intensity on patients with nephrotic syndrome, experts think that to do what. Poor health can be put on hold, some short time; physical strength may Rush, the hours are long. Or stroll in the park, or Fleet of Foot in the forest and so on. Perseverance, will be able to benefit.

Maintain a good attitude and good eating habits. Mental status and diet for patients with nephrotic syndrome hospitalization and prognosis conservation is a very important factor. Maintain a good mental state, do not give themselves a bad psychological implications, not angry, irritable, relieved to learn to deal with things. On a diet prescribed by a doctor with a reasonable diet, be sure to restrain the original disease is not conducive to the recovery diet.

Kidney disease treatment errors

Nephropathy, for ordinary people, it is very scary, so important visceral problems, is likely to cause a lot of serious impact. However, in the treatment of kidney disease, people are prone to some misunderstanding, the following specific talk about these errors:

Myth one: the disappearance of proteinuria and occult blood is cured

Many people think, as long as no proteinuria and occult blood, body without edema, blood pressure is not high, even if it is to cure kidney disease, which is a relatively common misunderstanding.

The symptoms are based in kidney damage, but not to say that it means kidney damage symptoms returned. Typically, those symptoms are temporarily suppressed hormone, kidney damage and has not been recovered.

Myth: As long as the drug spend, the situation should improve

Not only kidney disease, any disease has a natural process of development, not the drug can be prevented. Some patients find themselves treated, and instead condition worsen, and thought it was the wrong medicine, or improper treatment method, which is a kidney disease treatment errors.

Compared to other diseases, kidney disease treatment cycle is relatively long, usually takes years or even ten years, some miss the best timing of treatment, even in patients need lifelong treatment, therefore, can not be so anxious.

Myth: Renal cell necrosis can be activated

Some so-called doctors claimed that the use of certain drugs or certain therapies can be necrotic renal cell activation, thereby restoring renal function, which is impossible.

Kidney itself is a capillary group, ischemia or blockage once, it is susceptible to microvascular plugging, plus infection causes kidney cells die, this death is not reversible, and any drug or therapy it is impossible resurrection.

Myth: Only dialysis uremic

Dialysis is a blood purification technology, the purpose is to clear immune complexes in the blood, the kidneys avoid further damage. But the disadvantage of dialysis is obvious, first, the kidneys will not work properly due to long-term accelerated atrophy; Second, prone to rely on form lifelong dialysis.

In fact, blood purification technology is not just one kind of dialysis, in addition to plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption, the effect is all wrong, and will not produce dependence.

Myth: Only uremic kidney transplant

As traditional dialysis, the kidneys accelerated atrophy, then rely on a kidney transplant. But with the upgrade of medical standards, in particular a large number of applications Integrative therapies can already use the principles of traditional Chinese medicine dilate blood vessels and improve the condition of renal ischemia, preventing renal cell death, so as to achieve the purpose of maintaining renal function, so that uremic patients can not rely on the basis of the dialysis, over a relatively normal life.

Currently popular Integrative approach is a combination of the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy and blood purification technology.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is the use of direct administration Shenshu way to avoid the waste of gastrointestinal absorption of drugs that can directly to lesions, dilation of blood vessels, promote renal microcirculation, improving the situation of cell ischemia.

Blood plasma exchange purification techniques can be effectively cleaned of immune complexes in the blood, avoid the deposition in the kidneys, thereby avoiding further damage to the kidney.

To sum up:

Kidney disease treatment is a long process and can not be interrupted. On the choice of treatment should be based on their specific circumstances, not limited by the inherent stereotypes, not pessimism and depression. In addition, the need to pay special attention to that, you should try to choose a regular hospital, especially kidney specialist hospital, the treatment effect is guaranteed.

Kidney disease diet should be "three little more than one."

Winter is the high incidence of kidney disease, most people know to keep warm to avoid the disease, but ignored the poor diet will increase the burden on the kidney problem. Experts said that kidney patients should eat high-salt, high-protein, high-fat foods, and more in line with seasonal fresh vegetables intake.

Experts said that the winter weather is cold, many patients ignore their kidney problems and begin eating and drinking to resist the cold, so easily lead to excessive intake of protein or fat, salt and other foods cause kidney disease worse.

"Chronic kidney disease, high salt, high-protein, high-fat foods to try to eat, especially in people with poor kidney function, but also to pay attention to restrict phosphorus intake." Experts say, broth, organ meats, nuts phosphorus higher, to eat. Kidney patients should pay attention to low-salt diet, when plasma albumin decreased, can eat more lean protein, such as lean meat, fish, eggs and other soy products. When the blood urea nitrogen content has increased, there is a tendency uremia, you should eat a low-protein diet, control the intake of vegetable protein.

In addition, doctors advise, fewer patients to limit the amount of urine potassium intake, eat citrus, bananas, potatoes and so on. If accompanied by high blood pressure, should limit salt intake, to control the intake of salt in the normal half or one-third. Kidney patients should not eat eggs, egg and pepper and other foods containing irritating ingredients and spices, should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.


How to treat acute pyelonephritis hematuria fever it

Hematuria is demonstrated acute pyelonephritis symptoms, then acute pyelonephritis hematuria fever how to do? Many patients and friends are helpless, do not know how to deal with acute pyelonephritis hematuria, fever, let's take a look at the following aspects related to this analysis of knowledge.
Acute pyelonephritis hematuria fever clinical features:
(A) Incubation period: between streptococcal infection and acute nephritis certain incubation period, usually 1 to 2 weeks, an average of 10 days, a few short weeks the patient can, and some can last up to 3 to 4 weeks?. Generally pharyngeal streptococcal infection after an incubation period of acute nephritis is shorter than the skin after infection, acute infection symptoms were relieved or until symptoms subside nephritis occurs.
(2) systemic symptoms: onset of symptoms of varying severity, in addition to edema, hematuria, often loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, poor spirit, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or even convulsions occur, some patients did not pioneer infection control can be fever, body temperature is generally around 38 ℃.
(3) Hypertension: seen in 70% to 90% of patients, usually mild or moderate, mostly between 17.3 ~ 20.0 / 12.0 ~ 14.7kPa, hypertension and edema duration is not exactly the same, and more in two weeks about back to normal.
(4) abnormal urine: urine reduction in edema, urine 24 hours at about 400 ~ 700mL, continued to increase gradually after 1 to 2 weeks. Almost every hematuria patients have, but varying severity, serious for the whole hematuria, most patients dark muddy brown, gross hematuria does not last long, more than a few days into microscopic hematuria. About 95% of the patients had proteinuria, usually mild to moderate, a lot of those rare, the disease is generally two to three weeks into small or trace urine protein, multi disappeared two to three months, persistent proteinuria is changing chronic tendency performance.
There are many cases of acute pyelonephritis in patients with hematuria is more serious, then you can use these diet therapy to suppress. Then take a look at how to effectively treat acute pyelonephritis hematuria these methods it.
Treatment of acute pyelonephritis hematuria:
A melon 500 grams, vegetable oil 25 grams, 25 grams of soy sauce, water, starch 50 grams, 10 grams of salt, onion, ginger, garlic right amount;
Second, green beans 100 grams, 50 grams of Plantago, green beans washed with water, then with a new Plantago gauze wrap, soak 20 minutes; two drugs into the pot with boiling water, remove the beans to be rotten when Irazu , Yin Tang to eat beans, 2 to 3 times finished eating, even for 3 to 5 days.

Chronic pyelonephritis in the end good governance

Chronic pyelonephritis in the end is good governance? Once is not aware, suffering from acute pyelonephritis, timely detection and treatment, then, is able to heal quickly, then the deterioration became chronic pyelonephritis, can be cured? Which is already a problem patients and their families are very concerned about, in fact, chronic pyelonephritis this disease, not a incurable disease, so long as all patients receiving regular treatment can be cured. To say that the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis difficult it is normal, but also have to look at how the current prevalence of patients.
Chronic pyelonephritis can be cured? Chronic pyelonephritis to how the treatment to be effective? It depends on patients with chronic pyelonephritis in the clinical manifestations is how, in the past that most chronic pyelonephritis, is inadequate treatment of acute pyelonephritis recurrent walls. In recent years, the relationship between the two is a new understanding that the relationship between the two is not as important as previously mentioned, for the diagnostic criteria for chronic pyelonephritis there has been corrected. However, chronic pyelonephritis can be cured?
According to reports in the literature, chronic nephritis accounted for 7% to 20% of all pyelonephritis, only half of the patients had acute episode of pyelonephritis. Clinical manifestations of chronic complicated pyelonephritis, symptoms multiport. The main performance is the true bacteria in urine, urine only a small amount of white blood cells and proteins, bacteria in the urine can be persistent or intermittent. Many patients with recurrent urinary tract irritation. General common in patients with chronic pyelonephritis will appear below these symptoms in clinical practice.
Symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis: children (and occasionally adults) can occur in patients with chronic bacterial pyelonephritis acute attack. Only seen in acute exacerbation of fever, patients without acute episodes may be asymptomatic. When entering late and chronic pyelonephritis involving both kidneys, there may be associated symptoms of hypertension, anemia and azotemia.
Chronic pyelonephritis in the end is good governance? So please everyone (the majority of patients with a friend) assured, chronic pyelonephritis can be cured, please as soon as possible in the hospital for treatment, the experts also recommend that patients in the early days, but also for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the effect will be better.

Pregnancy will have pyelonephritis

Life, many factors can lead to pyelonephritis occurs, there is a special class of patients with these diseases, it is pregnant women. Pregnant women during pregnancy decreased physical fitness, is often one of the causes induced pyelonephritis, need attention. On women during pregnancy and pyelonephritis cause-related content, here's a look:
1, ureter during pregnancy affected by estrogen and progesterone and expansion, resulting in tissue relaxation lumen expansion, creeping slowly exclude urine retention, urinary retention often in the renal pelvis and ureter, which is bacteria in the ureter and renal pelvis within create the conditions for growth and reproduction.
2, directly adjacent to the female urethra is easy for bacteria gather vagina and anus, and the urethra and shorter, only 3 to 4 cm, such as poor hygiene, the bacteria invade the urethra and easy inspection pelvis upward and become the cause of pyelonephritis.
3, the couple before sexual intercourse without cleaning the external genitalia, male and female genitalia during intercourse tube in close contact and friction, and collisions woman urethra, often easy to take advantage of the bacteria invade the urethra, leading to bacterial pyelonephritis, is likely to be the cause of pyelonephritis.
4, pyelonephritis may also be the cause of the pregnant uterus squeeze bowel causing constipation, so easy to make large intestine bacteria invade the ureter, bladder, urethra and pelvis from the intestine via the lymphatic.
Also note that women with gestational body resistance is low, a lot of diseases such as gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other germs spread easily through blood circulation urinary system and become the cause of pyelonephritis.


Multiple renal cysts more than 3 cm should be treated

Multiple renal cysts are not tumors, but can easily be confused with the tumor, so multiple renal cysts and renal malignancies identification is very important. Early detection of problems, we should pay attention. When multiple renal cysts do not require any treatment of asymptomatic, but if multiple renal cysts more than 3 cm should be treated. Here to introduce introduction.

Multiple renal cysts more than 3 cm should be treated

Multiple renal cysts is not an independent disease, under normal circumstances, it is or is polycystic kidney disease, or are simple renal cysts. Multiple renal cysts are the most common kidney abnormalities, can occur at any age, the majority of renal cysts do not cause any symptoms. Serious, then it should be treated.

In the clinical treatment of renal cysts need varies from person to person due to illness. For small renal cysts, asymptomatic do not need any treatment, but to demand review, to see whether the cyst continues to increase. Asymptomatic patients should always implement urine tests, including urine convention, urine cultivation, once every six months to a year to implement renal function tests, including endogenous creatinine clearance rate. When more than 3 cm cyst on the need for timely treatment of.

Multiple renal cysts treatment is to select and control the growth suppression, surgical excision of the cyst is not an easy task cyst fundamentally, due to the appearance of renal cysts can be cut, but to cut off buried deep in the kidney cysts will difficulties. For the treatment of multiple renal cysts is to select the right treatment to suppress and control the growth of cysts fundamentally, fundamentally up to achieve the purpose of the treatment of multiple renal cysts.

Multiple renal cysts, usually harm is not great. Timely detection of problems to solve the problem is critical. Through the above description, I believe you have some knowledge of it. Multiple renal cysts usually difficult to find, so prevention is critical to learn.

Prevention recommends:

① prevent catching a cold, avoid exertion. Avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs, for medication, should be conducted under the guidance of the specialist physician.

② Avoid strenuous exercise waist and abdomen, kidney enlargement obviously Avoid tight belts to prevent cyst rupture.

③ a positive family history, could in the line of molecular genetics examination during pregnancy, such as a clear diagnosis, early termination of pregnancy.

Most infections caused by renal cysts need attention

Cause of renal cysts are there? Global hospital network experts: Most renal cysts caused by infections, various infections, may cause renal cysts. Of course there are other reasons, on the causes of renal cysts, to introduce the following are some relevant knowledge and understanding of what is good.

Most infections caused by renal cysts need attention

Cause of renal cysts are many. The more common reason is because the infection. Most renal cysts caused by infection. This requires attention to the next.

Experts: Most renal cysts caused by infection. A variety of infections can occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, resulting in favor of cyst genes changing environmental conditions, the internal factors enhance the activity of cysts, which can promote the generation of cysts grew up; while any infection of any part of the body , will enter through the blood which affects the kidneys cysts, such as cyst infection, the addition of clinical symptoms intensified, it will also promote further accelerate the growth rate of the cyst, and renal dysfunction heavier and so on.

Moreover, what reason is easy to cause renal cysts?

① diet. Poor diet can cause many diseases produce, of course, produce cystic disease, an important factor in the development of change.

② degrees exertion. Overwork should include three aspects: labor excessive bother excessive, excessive sexual intercourse.

③ toxins. Toxins in the human body, can cause a variety of cell tissue and organ damage, and thus disease, even life-threatening, and also produce genetic mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities and other phenomena.

Autumn and winter renal cysts diet tips

Autumn and winter diet of renal cysts is a skill, proper diet for kidney cyst is doing a good nursing. About renal cysts diet tips, here to give everyone who introduced the hope that through the introduction of this article, let us truly understand how to do the diet.

Autumn and winter renal cysts diet tips

A renal cyst should drink plenty of water while mineral supplements

Renal cysts drink plenty of water is critical. At the same time you know. Add water not only to drink more mineral water drink, you can drink some vegetable soup for dinner, these soups can provide a wealth of sodium, potassium, magnesium and other inorganic salts for the body.

Second, patients with renal cysts diet can not be too light

Patients with renal cysts diet can not be too light. Kidney experts pointed out that the blind pursuit of light drinking cyst, the body will appear heat, inadequate intake of protein, thereby affecting the immune globulin synthesis.

Third, not only in patients with renal cysts porridge

Many families, especially families with elderly meal porridge, noodles as the main cyst. In this remind you, if the porridge as the main cyst, should thick cooked some and eat some zero cysts, snacks, fruit between meals; no conditions snacks should be diluted with dry, dilute the porridge cooked some , plus eat some rice, bread and other dry cysts main meal, in order to increase satiety.


Easily confused with acute nephritis disease

Early acute nephritis easily confused with the following diseases, should attract attention.
(1) febrile proteinuria can appear in any febrile illness. During the fever can be detected in urine protein and tube type, but very few red blood cells, and no edema and hypertension. Heat back, urinary abnormalities rapid recovery.
(2) infection of any cause abnormal urine infection, such as bacteria, viruses, especially during beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection, about one-third of patients may have mild microscopic hematuria, a small amount of urine protein and tube type, but no edema and hypertension, when the infection control, urinalysis returned to normal.
(3) focal glomerulonephritis generally occurs during infection (acute nephritis occurs about two weeks after infection); focal nephritis with hematuria, proteinuria is very light; infection cure, the patient urinalysis recovery normal, good prognosis. With only mild acute nephritis urine change without edema and hypertension similar.
(4) abnormal urine after exercise, vigorous exercise (such as running, swimming, rapid march ......) or excessive fatigue, abnormal urine can occur within hours - hematuria, proteinuria, as well as urinary tube, but rest 1-2 days (no later than 7 days) returned to normal. In the event of abnormal urine while no edema and hypertension (high blood pressure individuals may have temporarily).
(5) lupus nephritis kidney damage caused by systemic lupus erythematosus, sometimes expressed similar to acute nephritis, often accompanied by a rash, alopecia, photosensitivity, joint pain and heart, liver, lung, brain and other organs of the disease, and more than a fever, leukopenia, laboratory SM antibody or anti-DNA antibodies and antinuclear antibodies.
(6) toxemia of pregnancy occurred in late pregnancy, patients with edema, hypertension, proteinuria and tubular urine, severe hypertensive encephalopathy can occur, especially during the last months of pregnancy symptoms more pronounced. But the lack of hematuria is its main feature, and most normal renal function, fundus visible retinal artery spasm, bleeding, oozing and other changes, most patients return to normal after childbirth.
(7) primary nephrotic syndrome associated with acute nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and kidney disease are easy to confuse. The latter with heavy proteinuria (≥3.5 g / day) and is characterized by hypoproteinemia, no hematuria, former hematuria, no more hypoalbuminemia, identify points of renal pathology examination, the former diffuse capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis, which can form tiny lesions or other pathological changes of chronic glomerular damage.

(8) acute pyelonephritis acute nephritis if the urethra, bladder mucosa and kidney congestion and edema can cause bladder irritation, similar acute pyelonephritis occur. But pyelonephritis fever, hematuria, leukocytes were increased urine bacterial culture positive, antibiotic treatment is effective, and no edema, hypertension and other symptoms, and no red blood cells in urine tube.
Acute pyelonephritis is still easy with acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis confused.

Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis causes two types of

Acute nephritis is a self-limiting disease, the general prognosis is good, as long as the timely removal of the cause, supported by appropriate treatment, about 85 percent of children and 90% in adults can be fully restored about 60% to 75%.
Opportunities for older persons suffering from acute nephritis much, but its the worst prognosis in patients with acute nephritis. Most cases urine change in 3 to 6 months recovery, after a small number of patients with acute clinical manifestations disappeared, kidney function is good, but a small amount of red blood cells and protein in the urine can be delayed from 1 to 2 years before disappearing. Few cases prolonged course of 1 to 2 years after gradually recovered, while a minority of patients with persistent seizures chronic nephritis, individual cases of acute severe complications and death can occur. In recent years, due to improvements in the prevention and treatment work, the mortality rate has been reduced to 1% to 2%, or even no deaths.

While there are some natural healing of acute nephritis may, but must not therefore insensitive, especially when some nephritis may develop into a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (poor prognosis) or progression to chronic nephritis, renal failure, and therefore still have active prevention of acute nephritis great significance.

Eat together several cold medicine may cause kidney failure

Many people have a cold, often eating a drug has no effect on immediately for another kind of cold medicine to take. In fact, the cold treatment and rehabilitation of a process. However, due to flu symptoms continued to be plagued by people, they'll help of drugs to ease. For this imagination, there are medical experts pointed out that several cold medicine to eat, it is easy to create a duplicate taking medicines, more than the normal dosage, adverse reactions, such as nausea, stomach pain, increased liver and kidney dysfunction. Especially for elderly patients, there may be severe renal colic or acute or chronic renal failure.
Renal failure is caused by how?
A toxic substance Damage: Cause further includes a toxic renal damage, for daily life, many drugs have considerable damage the kidneys, such as certain antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, non-steroidal analgesics, x-rays developer, alcohol, heavy metal poisoning, or insects, snake venom and so on, can produce varying degrees of renal toxicity, leading to kidney dysfunction, causing kidney failure.
2, hemodynamic changes in the human body: the lack of blood perfusion, such as shock, congestive heart failure, heart disease, thrombosis, stroke, vascular excessive contraction and relaxation of the disease, when the relative amount of blood through the kidneys on inadequate waste metabolic rate relative decline, resulting in the accumulation of nitrogenous waste, increase the burden on the kidneys and cause kidney failure. This is the main reason for comparing renal failure. So what factors lead to kidney failure is?
3, the body's own disease: leptospirosis infection, autoimmune nephritis, liver failure, bacterial endocarditis, pyelonephritis, and lymphosarcoma, etc., when the body itself, the presence of these diseases, often lead to kidney damage, thus also become the cause of renal failure is very important.
What measures to prevent kidney failure is?
1 prevention against drug toxicity
Cases of drug-induced renal damage more. Easily lead to kidney damage drugs, including aminoglycoside antibiotics, antifungal amphotericin B, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticancer drugs and imaging agents. In addition, renal toxicity medicine containing aristolochic acid has also been more and more attention, because many patients in clinical long-term use of such medicine which led to chronic renal failure. Therefore, measures to prevent renal failure patients to be very careful.
2 get rid of bad habits

Hypertension caused by unhealthy lifestyles, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, etc., has become an important cause of kidney disease. A healthy lifestyle has the following specific requirements: Stick salt, light diet. This is a very important preventive measures of renal failure.
3 to prevent infection
Under the guidance of a doctor thorough treatment with antibiotics to prevent streptococcal infection-induced kidney disease, especially young people need to pay attention to quit smoking and avoid alcohol. To take such preventive measures as long as renal failure, healthy people can prevent kidney disease, kidney disease has occurred in patients can minimize and delay the occurrence of ESRD and complications.

Want to learn more knowledge related to kidney disease, please visit our website. Our website is: http: //www.kidney-cure.org


Polycystic renal dysplasia prognosis how?

The disease is congenital dysplasia, the incidence and age of newborn infants whose prognosis can be divided into two types: such as bilateral renal cysts of varying sizes have occurred, then the prognosis is poor, often life-threatening; If only side of the kidney, although ipsilateral kidney can not function, but often can be a normal contralateral kidney effects, but because of its large and often accompanied by compensatory ureter obstruction, clinically symptomatic treatment often need to be able to better protect Jianshen play filtration function. Also can be used for ipsilateral kidney nephrectomy.

Anti-bacterial throat infection to acute nephritis

Lift the children with acute nephritis, many parents do not care, they feel it is a serious illness, the child is not easy, and the slightest. In fact, children with acute nephritis is one of the common diseases in children over 3 years old, especially when in tonsillitis or purulent skin infections are easy to secondary immune kidney damage, acute nephritis.
Throat problems can cause acute nephritis
The occurrence of acute nephritis and streptococcal infections have a great relationship, of course, other bacteria, viruses, protozoa infections can also cause acute nephritis. Tonsillitis is often caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Beta-hemolytic streptococcus can produce antigens to produce antibodies through the blood, antibodies through the kidneys, precipitation in the glomerular basement membrane, while in the basement, from the antigen-antibody immune responses, and to attract complement to participate, leading to acute nephritis occur. Sores and pus cells are generally caused by Staphylococcus aureus, the same will have a similar antigen, but also through a similar route, an immune response to an antigen, antibody and complement in the glomerular basement membrane resulting in the occurrence of acute nephritis. Kidney function is continuous and the discharge filter body wastes. If the kidneys work procedures, normal kidneys can not remove these wastes time, it produces hematuria and proteinuria.
What are the performance of children with acute nephritis
Children with acute nephritis, mainly in preschool children, usually after a cold week prone to skin infections in children nephritis. Because of its various manifestations hurt does not itch, parents if you do not carefully observe changes in the child, it is possible to delay the disease. The disease is often 1-4 weeks with acute tonsillitis, skin infection impetigo and other pioneers before the onset. Began to have fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other symptoms, these symptoms of fever and general infection is no different, is not easy to arouse people's attention, often overlooked. Edema and oliguria are characteristic of the disease, usually starting with eyelid edema in children, gradually extended to the whole body. So, when a child occurs when the upper eyelid edema, it should find out the reason, look at because plenty of water or a bad break, or because had kidney disease.
Most of hematuria in children is invisible, only found in red blood cells under a microscope. Macroscopic hematuria in children only a small part. Hematuria colors like bright red and some were watery wash the meat, some like tea color, which is related to the pH of the urine, hope should be observed in the urine of children noticed it.
How to prevent children suffering from acute nephritis
1, exercise, health, enhancing disease resistance.

2, pay attention to climate change, in a timely manner to the children change clothes, to avoid feelings of evils.
3, usually pay attention to skin hygiene, locker, bathe, especially in the summer, to prevent mosquito bites and skin infections.
4, for children with recurrent tonsillitis, tonsillectomy may be considered. To have acute pharyngitis, skin infection, should be given early and effective treatment to reduce the chance of onset of nephritis.

Children should learn to drink plenty of water prevent kidney disease

Kidney disease hazards is very large, I believe many of my friends are clear. As a common chronic disease, kidney disease is not just an adult disease, is one of the common diseases of children, but the parents did not cause enough attention.
Children need to be cautious to protect the kidneys kidney disease should learn to drink water
Experts said that children with adults, suffer from nephritis, urinary tract infection and uremia. In addition, the baby may also suffer from congenital kidney disease, the prognosis is poor. In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, children's obesity-associated nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy has become very common.
Relatively adults, children more likely to be missed nephropathy, because children rarely take the initiative to tell their own weakness, back pain, it will not find yourself edema, urine circumstances change, if the parents vigilance is not enough, it is easy to ignore early symptoms.
So, how everyday life should protect the child's kidneys do?
1, first of all, parents should teach children to drink plenty of water, so that there is enough blood to the kidneys produce urine flows; Do not hold back with the urine, timely discharge, reduce bacteria in the urine retention in the breeding and reduce urinary tract infections caused by opportunity.

2, some drugs, such as some antibiotics, some medicine and other renal toxicity, parents give their children take as little as possible, if you need to take medication should be under the guidance of a doctor.
3, hygiene is also important to clean the vulva girls every day, changing underwear; boys have to flush the urethra; wipe the anus after stool child must be "front to back."
4, other organ systems are sick may hurt the kidneys, such as tonsil purulent inflammation may cause acute glomerulonephritis; may occur after skin purpura purpura nephritis


Interstitial nephritis diet Taboo

We all know that interstitial nephritis is a kidney system a clinical syndrome, the disease is slow course, is a chronic disease, the saying goes, "is a disease, one-third by the rule, seven by raising", especially as between this chronic disease interstitial nephritis, in the treatment of the disease process, the good and reasonable diet can delay the disease, and promote her condition improved, and vice versa will be worse if you eat food, it will affect the treatment of the disease, then we come to the following detailed look interstitial nephritis diet Taboo.
First, patients with kidney disease must avoid salt. Edema and urine output is low, in addition to medication, the choice of some of the benefits of water with a suitable food. Such as water melon attending belly up, Lee urine, thirst. Melon skin decoction of tea water swelling effect is better. Loofah have cooling blood detoxification, diuretic swelling.
Second, and more mouthwash. Drying can be painted lips Lip oil.
Third, the elderly often feel backache back swelling, lethargy, frequent urination, legs and knees, etc., generally because of kidney lesions occurred. Should be used in corn, edible beans, good for kidney disease. However, espresso, tea, pepper, pepper and other spicy food should be taboo.
Four, interstitial nephritis patients should drink more water or drinks. Eat light and easy of high-calorie, high-protein liquid or semi-liquid food. After sweating to the timely replacement clothing to keep warm. When body temperature 38.5 ℃ give 超过 physical cooling, cooling the drug with caution, because the fever preparations are prone to cause allergies and worse, 0.5h after physical cooling temperature measurements, and recorded in the temperature slip.
Five, guide the patient to identify and report early signs of abnormal body temperature and signs.

Several factors lead to kidney stones

Old friends suffering from the highest possible rate of kidney stones because their body, various organs gradually decreased, their defense capability is relatively weak, prone to kidney stones, kidney stones, is a more serious disease, we need in our daily life preventive below tell you about the causes of kidney stones are what it?
Causes of kidney stones are there?
1 in the usual life, some people are more eat vegetables and fruits that can add some vitamins and trace elements the body needs, but the long-term consumption of foods rich in oxalic acid. A large accumulation of oxalic acid in the body, can lead to kidney stones. If these things that people generally eat spinach, beans, grapes, cocoa, tea, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, plums, bamboo shoots, it contains high oxalate foods.
2 Now a lot of people like to eat some seafood products, or animal offal, but a large number of long-term diet, excessive intake of purine substances will, after purine into the body, to carry out metabolism, metabolism is the final product it uric acid. Uric acid may promote urinary oxalate precipitation. If, once the excessive consumption of purine-rich foods, and purine metabolism disorders, oxalate kidney stones will be deposited to form urine.
3 main reasons for the cause of kidney stones is what this issue, experts pointed out that some people like to eat vegetarian, and some people like to eat meat, animal meat, especially pork, are fatty foods . Eat the inevitable increase in body fat, the fat will reduce the gut can bind calcium, thus causing increased absorption of oxalate excretion malfunction if the event, such as sweating, less water, less urine, kidney stones is likely to be formed in this case.

Interpretation of the typical symptoms of kidney Eight

People for Life headlong and mediocre day, because a lot of people working diet is no law, in order to socialize a lot of drinking and smoking, it is easy to neglect their health, and not a few, are relatively common form of kidney disease because obvious symptoms, it is difficult being seriously, here to tell you about the symptoms of kidney deficiency.
Interpretation of the typical symptoms of kidney Eight
Typical symptoms of an aversion to cold:
Cold and afraid of the wind, aversion to cold. "Chills", "limbs" means limbs, cold hands and feet, and even cold to the elbow, knee symptoms. "Chills" are often accompanied by waist and knee pain, God tired lying, less gas lazy words, pale mouth thirst and other kidney diseases.
Typical symptoms of two excessive sexual intercourse:
Excessive sexual intercourse, most kidney injury. Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence, yin and yang metaplasia essence of the internal organs play a role in the nourishment and warmth. Yin and yang in the body of interdependence, mutual restraint, to maintain the body's physiological balance. If this balance is destroyed or party recession will lesions, male impotence, premature ejaculation occurs, Hua Jing, semen disease and other illnesses.
Typical symptoms of dizziness, weakness insomnia three:
Kidney as one of the important organs of the body to nourish and inviting the other organs, if other organs long illness, it is easy to hurt the kidneys. Many chronic diseases such as chronic hepatitis, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, hypertension and other patients, often accompanied by symptoms of kidney deficiency.
Four typical symptoms of asthma:
TCM believes kidney "qi" function, can not be satisfied due to kidney gas, can cause wheezing, shortness of breath, respiratory and more smoke less, so that you find it difficult to breathe carefree. Under severe cases, breathing may also occur along aggravate asthma, cold sweat and other symptoms.
Typical symptoms five dizziness, tinnitus:
Many people have experienced the feeling of dizziness, kind eyes grow dim, dizzy, nausea, vomiting, taste and feel good, but patients often accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus sound, impede hearing, last long, and even cause deafness. Cause dizziness, tinnitus and more associated with liver and kidney. Chinese speaking "kidney essence marrow, marrow and brain poly", so marrow deficiency can cause kidney, brain failure has raised, dizziness, ringing in the ears.
Typical symptoms six constipation:
Constipation can also affect the health of renal function, constipation bowel problems often occur because of anal fissure, hemorrhoids embolism, affecting work and life miserable. Although constipation belong to the large intestine conduction disorders, but its roots are caused due to kidney because the kidney opens into two overcast, the main two stools, stool conduction through the kidney must function properly in order to stimulate and nourish.
Typical symptoms seven backache, leg pain:
Low back pain lies in the kidney, can be divided into internal injuries and strain. Kidney generally refers to the inherent internal injuries, caused by excessive Jiubingtixu or fatigue. Light it difficult to bend or erect, severe heel pain, lower back fatigue embolism; refers to the physical strain overburdened, or long-term work in the same fixed position (using a computer, driving, etc.), as long as kidney damage, leading to Kidney essence deficiency.
Typical symptoms of eight frequent nocturnal pee urgency:
General nocturia more than two times, or more than a quarter full day of urine, severe nocturia one hour once, urine output close to or exceed the amount of urine during the day, such a situation are "nocturnal polyuria." Normal daytime urination, urine alone at night, it is characteristic of the disease, mostly caused by kidney weakness. Unchanged for a long time sitting in the car body stiff, plus drove nervous, over time and eventually lead to the formation of kidney qi stagnation.


Kidney disease diet

Kidney disease caused by the absorption issues that directly affect the kidneys, we all know the body like the kidneys filter to absorb net, eat and drink, nutrition will go through the kidneys, is also in charge of genital pipe organs, kidneys bad, just filter hug a hole, if you still continue to add a lot of effort to the kidneys, it will affect other organs - so people need to have had kidney disease diet, as follows: seafood, seafood with high protein nutrition, but at the Dui in patients with kidney disease it was no different with poison, we must avoid!
Do not eat soy products as much as possible.
Moisture can eat large fruit. But watermelon, persimmons, bananas and other fruits do not eat high potassium.
Do not eat chili, no major impact on the Dui body, but Chinese medicine, the chili has a certain antidote effect.
Must not drink wine is to stimulate the various organs of the body, especially in patients with kidney disease Dui greater stimulation risk with seafood. To sum up, just do not eat high-protein foods, do not eat spicy food and strong, the most taboo is seafood and wine, of course, salt, too, to get used to light food, salt and more, they would lead to urinary protein!

Low-purine diet usually low-purine diet. Should choose a low purine foods, such as flour, onions, fruits, milk, eggs, etc.; disabled with a high purine foods such as organ meats, brain and various broths, gravies, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, shrimp, lentils , soybeans and algae; whole grains, spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, lentils, poultry meat and other foods purine, should choose carefully.
More water daily water intake should reach 2500 to 3000 ml, eat more fruits containing water and food, by increasing renal excretion of uric acid urine to help alleviate uric acid damage to the kidneys.
Salt restriction limiting sodium, 2 to 5 grams a day is appropriate.

Eat more alkaline foods vegetables, fruits are alkaline foods, alkaline environment can improve urate solubility, and such substances rich in vitamin C, can promote uric acid salt dissolved within the organization, is conducive to uric acid excretion. Usually eat vegetables every day 1 kg (purine vegetables should be avoided), fruit 4 to 5 times.
Disable irritating foods disabled spicy, spicy food, quit alcohol. Past that, gout patients should be forbidden to take coffee, tea and cocoa, but that these substances are not metabolized in the body to produce urate, there was no tophi deposition, it may be appropriate to choose.

Avoid cold

Of cold food cold, easily hurt the stomach, is not conducive to the recovery of the disease. Because diet and drug treatment of the human body to go through the stomach digestion and absorption, so cold food will affect the recovery of the treatment effect and patient physique.
Avoid spicy

Cayenne pepper
Spicy food spicy, easy to help heat fire, damage Yin Ye, destroy the body's yin and yang balance. In particular, some are somewhat deficiency, excessive heat, heat disease should pay attention.

Avoid greasy

Greasy food that we often say Feiganhouwei. Creamy foods prone to dampness and heat, storm resistance stomach, blocking blood to run, can aggravate the condition, the impact of the recovery of the disease. The reason why many diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc., are concerned with overeating creamy.
Avoid fishy sea

Chinese medicine believes that the sea fishy taste salty foods cold, easily hurt the spleen, can induce an old disease, worse. Studies suggest that sea fishy foods, especially crabs and shrimp, are heterologous protein of the human body is an allergen, can cause allergic diseases. Kidney disease are autoimmune diseases, allergies can be as a source of stimulation induced or aggravated.

Kidney disease diet taboo

1, should use high-calorie foods rich in vitamin A, C foods (not sugary foods).
2, should have a stimulating effect on the kidneys bound food, such as pepper, mustard and so on.
3, on the severe edema and oliguric patients with nephrotic syndrome, should be properly bound water intake.
4, in patients with nephrotic syndrome associated with hyperlipidemia midnight, should bound dietary saturated fatty acid content, and in the time associated with anemia, patients should add some more vitamin B12, folic acid, iron foods, such as spinach , fungus, etc. These foods can help alleviate the symptoms of anemia.

Multiple renal cysts more than 3 cm should be treated

Multiple renal cysts are not tumors, but can easily be confused with the tumor, so multiple renal cysts and renal malignancies identification is very important. Early detection of problems, we should pay attention. When multiple renal cysts do not require any treatment of asymptomatic, but if multiple renal cysts more than 3 cm should be treated. Here to introduce introduction.

Multiple renal cysts more than 3 cm should be treated

Multiple renal cysts is not an independent disease, under normal circumstances, it is or is polycystic kidney disease, or are simple renal cysts. Multiple renal cysts are the most common kidney abnormalities, can occur at any age, the majority of renal cysts do not cause any symptoms. Serious, then it should be treated.

In the clinical treatment of renal cysts need varies from person to person due to illness. For small renal cysts, asymptomatic do not need any treatment, but to demand review, to see whether the cyst continues to increase. Asymptomatic patients should always implement urine tests, including urine convention, urine cultivation, once every six months to a year to implement renal function tests, including endogenous creatinine clearance rate. When more than 3 cm cyst on the need for timely treatment of.

Multiple renal cysts treatment is to select and control the growth suppression, surgical excision of the cyst is not an easy task cyst fundamentally, due to the appearance of renal cysts can be cut, but to cut off buried deep in the kidney cysts will difficulties. For the treatment of multiple renal cysts is to select the right treatment to suppress and control the growth of cysts fundamentally, fundamentally up to achieve the purpose of the treatment of multiple renal cysts.

Multiple renal cysts, usually harm is not great. Timely detection of problems to solve the problem is critical. Through the above description, I believe you have some knowledge of it. Multiple renal cysts usually difficult to find, so prevention is critical to learn.

Prevention recommends:

① prevent catching a cold, avoid exertion. Avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs, for medication, should be conducted under the guidance of the specialist physician.

② Avoid strenuous exercise waist and abdomen, kidney enlargement obviously Avoid tight belts to prevent cyst rupture.

③ a positive family history, could in the line of molecular genetics examination during pregnancy, such as a clear diagnosis, early termination of pregnancy.

Self-rated symptoms of kidney bad 11

The kidneys are the vital organs of the human body, its basic function is to generate the urine, in order to remove certain metabolites and waste, toxins, while retained by reabsorption of water and other useful substances, such as glucose, protein, amino acids, sodium ions , potassium ion, sodium bicarbonate, etc., to adjust the water, and maintenance of acid-base balance and electrolyte balance. Kidney as well as endocrine function, generate renin, erythropoietin, active vitamin D3, prostaglandins, bradykinin, etc., but also for the body parts of endocrine hormones and kidney degradation place outside hormone target organs. These kidney function, to ensure a stable internal environment, so that the metabolism to normal.

Kidney bad symptoms:

Probably some of the symptoms of a bad kidney, mainly in the following aspects:


Refers to the feeling of cold and afraid of the wind. "Limbs" means limbs, cold hands and feet, and even cold to the elbow, knee symptoms. "Chills" are often accompanied by waist and knee pain, God tired lying, less gas lazy words, pale mouth thirst and other kidney diseases.

Asthma: qi of kidney function. Not because of kidney qi, can cause wheezing, shortness of breath, respiratory and more smoke less, so that you find it difficult to breathe carefree. Under severe cases, breathing may also occur along aggravate asthma, cold sweat and other symptoms.

Low back pain

Low back pain lies in the kidney, can be divided into internal injuries and strain. Kidney generally refers to the inherent internal injuries, caused by excessive Jiubingtixu or fatigue. Light it difficult to bend or erect, severe heel pain, lower back fatigue embolism; refers to the physical strain overburdened, or long-term work in the same fixed position (using a computer, driving, etc.), as long as kidney damage, leading to Kidney essence deficiency.


Constipation often due to defecation difficulties anal fissure, hemorrhoids embolism, affecting work and life miserable. Although constipation belong to the large intestine conduction disorders, but its roots are caused due to kidney because the kidney opens into two overcast, the main two stools, stool conduction through the kidney must function properly in order to stimulate and nourish.

Backache, leg pain, urinary urgency

Unchanged for a long time sitting in the car body stiff, plus drove nervous, over time and eventually lead to the formation of kidney qi stagnation.

Dizziness, tinnitus

Many people have experienced the feeling of dizziness, kind eyes grow dim, dizzy, nausea, vomiting, taste and feel good, but patients often accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus sound, impede hearing, last long, and even cause deafness. Cause dizziness, tinnitus and more associated with liver and kidney. Chinese speaking "kidney essence marrow, marrow and brain poly", so marrow deficiency can cause kidney, brain failure has raised, dizziness, ringing in the ears.

Dizziness, weakness

Insomnia: kidney as an important organ of the human body to nourish and inviting the other organs, if other organs long illness, it is easy to hurt the kidneys. Many chronic diseases such as chronic hepatitis, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, hypertension and other patients, often accompanied by symptoms of kidney deficiency.

Rapid breathing

Want to take a deep breath always feel inadequate gas, natural breathing will be fast, a shortness of breath, nasal will ischemia, nasal mucosa because of ischemia, the resistance will be reduced, dust mites in the air would destroy it, destroy the of course it will sensitive to humid weather changes, can not afford it will attack, known as "allergic rhinitis."

To see things blurred

Part of the pupil to see things called "vision" is directly controlled by the kidneys, kidney problems, can not be sent to the eyes, kidneys, eyes will feel dry, sour, astringent, and slowly will be blurred vision, severe shadows appear , called 'floaters', a long time after pressure will increase, resulting in "glaucoma."

Early heel uncomfortable

Because, people in the rest, the blood is in the liver, the kidneys will be temporarily ischemia, get the blood to be delivered to the body, due to bad kidneys, gas is too weak, the blood to the slow, joint bleeding naturally stiffness, look blood circulation to the joints will be easy.

Laborious speech

People will live speech, speech consuming their strength, their kidneys gas is too weak, then gas consume will not want to talk, because the work can not speak, the sound will get out, it will hoarse.

Urination ring true

Kidney problems, thighs on both sides will be sour, soft, weak, often itchy. Not good urination, urinary frequency, long after the cell slowly necrosis, and finally incontinence.

What should be done to protect the kidneys:

Amount of water does not hold back:

Urine retention in the bladder, just as easy to breed bacteria, like the sewer blockage, bacteria can infect the kidneys via the ureters.

Do not eat too much:

Eating too much protein and salt. Will increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, sports drinks contain extra electrolytes and salt, have kidney disease who need to be careful of such beverages.

Regular inspection:

Preferably every six months to do a urine and blood urea nitrogen and creatinine inspection. Will increase the burden on the kidneys when pregnant women. Renal function should be monitored. So as to avoid pregnancy toxemia become uremia.

Chaos medication:

Many commercially available analgesics, cold medicines and herbs have kidney toxicity, do not you eat without a prescription, physicians prescribing antibiotics, painkillers should know what the side effects.

Treatment of colds:

If the cold to go again, or after a cold, hypertension, edema, urine has bubble solution, nephrology doctor to find the best screening.

Recurrent tonsillitis be careful:

Throat or tonsils were streptococcal infection, be sure to cure, otherwise easily lead to nephritis.

Amount of water does not hold back:

Urine retention in the bladder, just as easy to breed bacteria, like the sewer blockage, bacteria can infect the kidneys via the ureters.

Control of diabetes and high blood pressure:

Poor blood pressure control, diabetes too long can cause hardening of the arteries, and is made ​​up of millions of renal microvascular ball composition, blood pressure, blood sugar control is not good, the bad kidney faster.

Do not drink well water and river water with unknown contents:

So as not to lead, cadmium, chromium and other heavy metals is too high and damage the kidneys.

Urinary tract stones to deal with:

Stones without pain does not mean good, especially ureteral stones is likely to cause hydronephrosis, long time down, the kidneys will completely damaged without knowing it.