
Diabetic patients should be alert nocturnal enuresis

Elderly patients and patients suffering from diabetes diabetes over 10 years, will often have nocturnal enuresis phenomenon, the reason is renal function and renal tubular dysfunction due. There are many causes of such a mechanism, such as metabolic disorders as diabetes, blood hypertonic, high viscosity state, microvascular injury, as well as high glomerular filtration, high perfusion status, etc. can make the renal tubular structural abnormalities, abnormal structure inevitably lead to impaired function.
Patients with diabetes should pay attention to the treatment of nocturnal enuresis
Studies have shown that changes in renal tubular histology before, you can change the function appears, therefore diabetic nephropathy has not yet appeared often in the typical manifestations such as edema, hypertension can occur before nocturnal enuresis, urinary osmolality , and decreased urine specific gravity. Therefore, nocturnal enuresis can be used as early warning symptoms of kidney disease. Seize this opportunity to actively delaying treatment of renal complications.
In addition, with the increasing amount of nocturia, also increased the number of nocturia, the light two to three times a night to urinate, weight up to 10 times, often resulting in insufficient patients with sleep, decreased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, listlessness these also can become hyperglycemia, common causes are difficult to control. Thus should cause the attention of clinicians and patients to actively be treated.

Nocturnal enuresis which checks should be done
Diabetes patients nocturnal enuresis can check 12 hours water deprivation urine osmolality, urine specific gravity, urine, urine output (daytime and nighttime ratio) CCr. Criteria for judging the efficacy, in addition to water deprivation 12 hours urine osmolality, urine specific gravity, creatinine clearance, renal tubular marker proteins such as urinary a1-MG, urine b2-MG, urinary NAG, etc. can reference.

