
Kidney disease diet

Kidney disease caused by the absorption issues that directly affect the kidneys, we all know the body like the kidneys filter to absorb net, eat and drink, nutrition will go through the kidneys, is also in charge of genital pipe organs, kidneys bad, just filter hug a hole, if you still continue to add a lot of effort to the kidneys, it will affect other organs - so people need to have had kidney disease diet, as follows: seafood, seafood with high protein nutrition, but at the Dui in patients with kidney disease it was no different with poison, we must avoid!
Do not eat soy products as much as possible.
Moisture can eat large fruit. But watermelon, persimmons, bananas and other fruits do not eat high potassium.
Do not eat chili, no major impact on the Dui body, but Chinese medicine, the chili has a certain antidote effect.
Must not drink wine is to stimulate the various organs of the body, especially in patients with kidney disease Dui greater stimulation risk with seafood. To sum up, just do not eat high-protein foods, do not eat spicy food and strong, the most taboo is seafood and wine, of course, salt, too, to get used to light food, salt and more, they would lead to urinary protein!

Low-purine diet usually low-purine diet. Should choose a low purine foods, such as flour, onions, fruits, milk, eggs, etc.; disabled with a high purine foods such as organ meats, brain and various broths, gravies, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, shrimp, lentils , soybeans and algae; whole grains, spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, lentils, poultry meat and other foods purine, should choose carefully.
More water daily water intake should reach 2500 to 3000 ml, eat more fruits containing water and food, by increasing renal excretion of uric acid urine to help alleviate uric acid damage to the kidneys.
Salt restriction limiting sodium, 2 to 5 grams a day is appropriate.

Eat more alkaline foods vegetables, fruits are alkaline foods, alkaline environment can improve urate solubility, and such substances rich in vitamin C, can promote uric acid salt dissolved within the organization, is conducive to uric acid excretion. Usually eat vegetables every day 1 kg (purine vegetables should be avoided), fruit 4 to 5 times.
Disable irritating foods disabled spicy, spicy food, quit alcohol. Past that, gout patients should be forbidden to take coffee, tea and cocoa, but that these substances are not metabolized in the body to produce urate, there was no tophi deposition, it may be appropriate to choose.

Avoid cold

Of cold food cold, easily hurt the stomach, is not conducive to the recovery of the disease. Because diet and drug treatment of the human body to go through the stomach digestion and absorption, so cold food will affect the recovery of the treatment effect and patient physique.
Avoid spicy

Cayenne pepper
Spicy food spicy, easy to help heat fire, damage Yin Ye, destroy the body's yin and yang balance. In particular, some are somewhat deficiency, excessive heat, heat disease should pay attention.

Avoid greasy

Greasy food that we often say Feiganhouwei. Creamy foods prone to dampness and heat, storm resistance stomach, blocking blood to run, can aggravate the condition, the impact of the recovery of the disease. The reason why many diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc., are concerned with overeating creamy.
Avoid fishy sea

Chinese medicine believes that the sea fishy taste salty foods cold, easily hurt the spleen, can induce an old disease, worse. Studies suggest that sea fishy foods, especially crabs and shrimp, are heterologous protein of the human body is an allergen, can cause allergic diseases. Kidney disease are autoimmune diseases, allergies can be as a source of stimulation induced or aggravated.

Kidney disease diet taboo

1, should use high-calorie foods rich in vitamin A, C foods (not sugary foods).
2, should have a stimulating effect on the kidneys bound food, such as pepper, mustard and so on.
3, on the severe edema and oliguric patients with nephrotic syndrome, should be properly bound water intake.
4, in patients with nephrotic syndrome associated with hyperlipidemia midnight, should bound dietary saturated fatty acid content, and in the time associated with anemia, patients should add some more vitamin B12, folic acid, iron foods, such as spinach , fungus, etc. These foods can help alleviate the symptoms of anemia.

