
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis causes two types of

Acute nephritis is a self-limiting disease, the general prognosis is good, as long as the timely removal of the cause, supported by appropriate treatment, about 85 percent of children and 90% in adults can be fully restored about 60% to 75%.
Opportunities for older persons suffering from acute nephritis much, but its the worst prognosis in patients with acute nephritis. Most cases urine change in 3 to 6 months recovery, after a small number of patients with acute clinical manifestations disappeared, kidney function is good, but a small amount of red blood cells and protein in the urine can be delayed from 1 to 2 years before disappearing. Few cases prolonged course of 1 to 2 years after gradually recovered, while a minority of patients with persistent seizures chronic nephritis, individual cases of acute severe complications and death can occur. In recent years, due to improvements in the prevention and treatment work, the mortality rate has been reduced to 1% to 2%, or even no deaths.

While there are some natural healing of acute nephritis may, but must not therefore insensitive, especially when some nephritis may develop into a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (poor prognosis) or progression to chronic nephritis, renal failure, and therefore still have active prevention of acute nephritis great significance.

