
Children should learn to drink plenty of water prevent kidney disease

Kidney disease hazards is very large, I believe many of my friends are clear. As a common chronic disease, kidney disease is not just an adult disease, is one of the common diseases of children, but the parents did not cause enough attention.
Children need to be cautious to protect the kidneys kidney disease should learn to drink water
Experts said that children with adults, suffer from nephritis, urinary tract infection and uremia. In addition, the baby may also suffer from congenital kidney disease, the prognosis is poor. In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, children's obesity-associated nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy has become very common.
Relatively adults, children more likely to be missed nephropathy, because children rarely take the initiative to tell their own weakness, back pain, it will not find yourself edema, urine circumstances change, if the parents vigilance is not enough, it is easy to ignore early symptoms.
So, how everyday life should protect the child's kidneys do?
1, first of all, parents should teach children to drink plenty of water, so that there is enough blood to the kidneys produce urine flows; Do not hold back with the urine, timely discharge, reduce bacteria in the urine retention in the breeding and reduce urinary tract infections caused by opportunity.

2, some drugs, such as some antibiotics, some medicine and other renal toxicity, parents give their children take as little as possible, if you need to take medication should be under the guidance of a doctor.
3, hygiene is also important to clean the vulva girls every day, changing underwear; boys have to flush the urethra; wipe the anus after stool child must be "front to back."
4, other organ systems are sick may hurt the kidneys, such as tonsil purulent inflammation may cause acute glomerulonephritis; may occur after skin purpura purpura nephritis

