
Pregnancy will have pyelonephritis

Life, many factors can lead to pyelonephritis occurs, there is a special class of patients with these diseases, it is pregnant women. Pregnant women during pregnancy decreased physical fitness, is often one of the causes induced pyelonephritis, need attention. On women during pregnancy and pyelonephritis cause-related content, here's a look:
1, ureter during pregnancy affected by estrogen and progesterone and expansion, resulting in tissue relaxation lumen expansion, creeping slowly exclude urine retention, urinary retention often in the renal pelvis and ureter, which is bacteria in the ureter and renal pelvis within create the conditions for growth and reproduction.
2, directly adjacent to the female urethra is easy for bacteria gather vagina and anus, and the urethra and shorter, only 3 to 4 cm, such as poor hygiene, the bacteria invade the urethra and easy inspection pelvis upward and become the cause of pyelonephritis.
3, the couple before sexual intercourse without cleaning the external genitalia, male and female genitalia during intercourse tube in close contact and friction, and collisions woman urethra, often easy to take advantage of the bacteria invade the urethra, leading to bacterial pyelonephritis, is likely to be the cause of pyelonephritis.
4, pyelonephritis may also be the cause of the pregnant uterus squeeze bowel causing constipation, so easy to make large intestine bacteria invade the ureter, bladder, urethra and pelvis from the intestine via the lymphatic.
Also note that women with gestational body resistance is low, a lot of diseases such as gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other germs spread easily through blood circulation urinary system and become the cause of pyelonephritis.

