
Autumn and winter renal cysts diet tips

Autumn and winter diet of renal cysts is a skill, proper diet for kidney cyst is doing a good nursing. About renal cysts diet tips, here to give everyone who introduced the hope that through the introduction of this article, let us truly understand how to do the diet.

Autumn and winter renal cysts diet tips

A renal cyst should drink plenty of water while mineral supplements

Renal cysts drink plenty of water is critical. At the same time you know. Add water not only to drink more mineral water drink, you can drink some vegetable soup for dinner, these soups can provide a wealth of sodium, potassium, magnesium and other inorganic salts for the body.

Second, patients with renal cysts diet can not be too light

Patients with renal cysts diet can not be too light. Kidney experts pointed out that the blind pursuit of light drinking cyst, the body will appear heat, inadequate intake of protein, thereby affecting the immune globulin synthesis.

Third, not only in patients with renal cysts porridge

Many families, especially families with elderly meal porridge, noodles as the main cyst. In this remind you, if the porridge as the main cyst, should thick cooked some and eat some zero cysts, snacks, fruit between meals; no conditions snacks should be diluted with dry, dilute the porridge cooked some , plus eat some rice, bread and other dry cysts main meal, in order to increase satiety.

