
How chronic glomerulonephritis sport?

Correct choice of sport is very important. Ease of movement should be carried out under the guidance of a physician, to walking, tai chi, slow cycling, doing radio gymnastics teaching to ease the less energy-consuming sport dominated for long-distance running, ball games large amount of exercise should be avoided .

1 swimming

Patients with swim-based, you can participate in swimming exercise. Swimming speed by slowly, breathe freely. 1 times a day, every 20-30 minutes.

2. Walking or jogging

Do proper preparations before jogging, or from not excessive to jogging. Patients with chronic glomerulonephritis exercise can start walking.

3 aerobics

Hold light objects (1-2.5 kg) do aerobics, each doing 1-2 sets, do 2-3 times a day. Also do chest exercises, according to their physical strength, from less to more, and gradually increase the weight and number.

4 Taijiquan

Better fit physique workout patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. Each can exercise 20-30 minutes, 1-2 times a day. To increase the amount of exercise, while boxing may be the focus of sinking some larger range of motion.

Chronic glomerular nephritis patients should not be in the sport after satiation carried out at least two hours after a meal then. Better in the outdoors, fresh air and helps the metabolism, but in case of sudden changes in temperature and fog, high winds, snow, etc., should be changed indoors. Regularly to the hospital to check blood pressure, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, if not increased, then the appropriate amount of exercise, or should reduce the amount of exercise.

