
Recurrent kidney stones look Thyroid

Broken stones and long, low back pain unbearable. 30-year-old Liu recurrent kidney stones in recent years, much troubled, recently went to the hospital only to find out the root cause of a detailed examination - hyperparathyroidism, need medication.
Had kidney stones, most people tend to think of the urinary system, in fact, due to hyperparathyroidism in patients with kidney stones caused by a minority. Is one of the parathyroid glands of the body, in front of the neck, next to the thyroid, parathyroid hormone secretion main role is. Human parathyroid hormone can regulate calcium and phosphorus balance, so the bones of calcium into the bloodstream. If hyperparathyroidism, can cause hypercalcemia, once the recovery is beyond the ability of the kidney, a lot of calcium goes into the urine, deposition in the kidney stone formation. If these patients solely on the basis of the urinary system diseases, is a palliative. Due to the high concentration of calcium in the blood of kidney stones provides a lot of "raw material", stones are endless row. Therefore, if repeated kidney stones, or no obvious incentive multiple urinary stones, you need to check the level of parathyroid hormone and serum calcium concentrations.
In addition to hyperparathyroidism, there are many diseases can cause kidney stones. Gout of blood, urine uric acid increased, easy to form uric acid stones; fractures, bone tuberculosis patients bedridden or plaster, or spinal cord injury, paralysis patient, can lead to bone demineralization, it increases urinary calcium, but also easy to induce stones. In addition, urinary tract congenital malformations, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urinary tract infections and other diseases can also cause stones. If adult overdose vitamin D, may also induce kidney stones.

