
Patients should eat and not eat IgA nephropathy

For patients with IgA promote low lipoprotein diet, limiting food intake of phosphorus excess dietary protein; due to this disease is often accompanied by pharyngitis and tonsillitis, so the diet should be light, spicy, thick and greasy forbidden goods, and avoid alcohol. Common herbs are:
Shepherd's purse porridge: fresh shepherd's purse 250g (or dry shepherd's purse 90g, wild shepherd's purse better), washed and cut over, with rice 100g, porridge eating, cure hematuria.
Black Beans Congee: black beans, Yiyiren, lotus seeds. Jujube meat (with skin), each 50g, rice 200g, add water, porridge eating, can cure high proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia.
Loofah drink: old loofah paragraph 1, the loofah wash boil water, cool drink when informality. There are cooling bleeding effect, rule hematuria.
Cordyceps chicken soup: Cordyceps 10g, Wuji 1, 10 quail eggs, stewed eat, 1-2 times a week. The party Yiqibushen, righting, Jiufu physical health, enhance disease resistance, reducing the chance of infection, symptoms and reduce the number of IgA hematuria attacks.
Gorgon flour porridge: Gorgon commonly known as "beheaded meters" Gorgon powder 30g, walnut meat 15g, jujube 10 to go nuclear. First Gorgon powder into a paste with cold water, stir into the boiling water, then add the walnut meat, boiled meat paste jujube porridge, daily consumption. There are solid of kidney function, proteinuria and kidney of governance, hematuria.
These foods are described above for iga nephropathy patients healthy advantageous if long stick, certainly for recovery of the disease can play a positive role. Each method has its scientific, but does not mean that every patient can be in strict accordance with IgA party food, in order to improve its efficiency, you can ask our expert advice before you choose to cure the side, more reasonable under the guidance of experts applicable, play better results.
Patients best not to eat the kinds of food:
Egg: contains lead poisoning.
Tofu: hydrogen sulfide, damaged organs.
MSG: glutamate, heating zoom of glutamic acid, carcinogenic.
Instant noodles: Needless to say, preservatives.
Sunflower seeds: unsaturated fatty acids affect liver function, and easy to get fat.
Spinach: Do not eat more than 40 years old, containing oxalic acid, and zinc binding, and calcium-binding, leading to calcium deficiency.
Liver: a pound contains 400 grams of cholesterol, the highest of all the internal organs inside.
Roast beef and mutton: Piper containing benzene and carcinogenic.

Pickles, sauerkraut: nitrite-containing amines, carcinogenic.
Fritters: alum aluminum, kidney damage, affecting brain cells, leading to dementia.
IgA nephropathy is a chronic disease, kidney disease saying "two-thirds rule, seven support", in everyday life, in addition to the normal structure of the treatment must pay attention to their own diet and nutrition, two-pronged approach so that you can better and faster back to health.

