
How grading renal insufficiency

Specific classification of renal dysfunction

Renal insufficiency can be classified according to the level of creatinine four.

A decompensated renal insufficiency: glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 50 ml to 80 ml / min (creatinine clearance commonly used to represent GFR), serum creatinine (Scr) was 133 ~ 177umol / L.

2 decompensated renal insufficiency: GFR 50 ml to 20 ml / min, Scr to 177 ~ 442umol / L.

3 renal failure:. GFR of 20 ml to 10 ml / min, Scr to 442 ~ 707umol / L.

4 uremia or end-stage renal failure: GFR <10 ml / min, Scr> 707umol / L.

Renal insufficiency daily health

First, patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strengthen self-care, exercise, enhance disease resistance, and timely treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, clear foci, treatment of the primary disease, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypertension, etc., but also to prevent drugs kidney damage.

To observe some changes in the body: such as edema, hypertension, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, anemia, urinary and observe changes in the amount of urine, if there is more than discomfort, you should do blood and urine analysis, Urine culture and counts, kidney function test, and even do kidney biopsy and renal imaging studies, in order to clarify the cause of kidney disease, renal pathology judgment, for the treatment and prognosis of kidney disease provide the basis .

