
Note: Do not let kidney stones provoke uremia

Many patients believe that the body has a small stone does not matter much, this understanding is very wrong. Harm the kidneys stones mainly urinary tract obstruction, and direct damage to the urinary tract mucosa, resulting in renal dysfunction. When concurrent infections develop into pyelonephritis or renal empyema, the kidneys quickly damaged. Advanced uremia bilateral kidney stones can occur.
The main symptom is pain, kidney stones and hematuria, pain may be dull or severe cramps. These symptoms depends mainly on stone size, location, extent and cause of obstruction without infection. Minority without obstruction or mild obstruction without infection stones, asymptomatic, and even lead to renal damage has still no feeling. In doing occasional "B" ultrasound, abdominal X-ray or CT examination revealed only.
The main symptoms are pain and kidney stones, hematuria very small number of patients without symptoms of long-term
(A) Pain: Most patients with low back pain or abdominal pain more than larger stones dull or ipsilateral lumbar pain is often aggravated after the event; smaller stones to cause muscle spasms and cramps often occur this sudden colic severe pain such as knife-like down the abdomen and inner thighs, genitals patients with radiation and sometimes pale, cold sweats, nausea and vomiting severe cases, weak pulse and rapid drop in blood pressure often paroxysmal attacks of pain and other symptoms may be due to an action or sudden pain termination or relieve left lumbar abdominal pain.
(B) hematuria: As gross hematuria hematuria or microscopic hematuria severity and extent of damage to the kidney and ureter stones direct mucosal injury often occurs after severe pain related.

(C) pyuria: kidney and ureteral stones concurrent infection pus in the urine appear clinically high fever back pain.
(D) Other: stone obstruction can cause hydronephrosis patients with renal insufficiency and some still had gastrointestinal symptoms of anemia and so on.

