
IGA nephropathy for treatment and care methods

  Just something to do, and kidney disease relationship, it is not small problems, such as IGA nephropathy. With the improvement of living standards, working pressure increases, coupled with the effects of bad habits, the incidence of IGA nephropathy leading to higher and higher, then after suffering from the disease, what method to treat it? Here to listen to introduce experts.
1, clearance of immune complexes, adjust the body is the key. Clearance of immune complexes as possible to prevent continued deposition of immune complexes. In the meantime, try to make the patient's body from troubled upper respiratory tract infections and other factors.
2, the general treatment: the traditional view that the iga nephropathy currently, there is no fundamental treatment is still in remission of symptoms, and treatment experience treatment phase, mainly based on the patient's condition, treatment hematuria and proteinuria, control of the disease.
3, drug treatment: drug therapy treatments when most of the disease, clinically for patients with IgA nephropathy, is mainly used immunosuppressive agents, and hormones control the disease.
4, dialysis and kidney transplant: Dialysis and kidney transplantation, is iga nephropathy in patients with advanced methods of treating diseases take, dialysis and kidney transplant patients, the pain is also great, not patients with physical, economic conditions are not not pass Such a means of maintaining life.
care iga nephropathy as follows:
1, carbohydrate and fat intake, generally do not add restrictions. To ensure an adequate supply of heat. Hyperkalemia in patients with sustained oliguria, to avoid high potassium content of foods, such as fruits and a variety of fruit juice. Ensure rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C food supply, mainly fresh vegetables, fruits should try to eat more.
2, patients with edema and hypertension syndrome, should be in accordance with conditions were used salt, sodium salt-less food. Salt refers to the daily intake of less than 3 grams of salt, salt is the daily diet without added salt, not eating foods containing salt, low sodium food, is the daily dietary sodium content, the maximum not more than 1000 mg, in addition to salt, high sodium foods should be controlled.
3, light diet, do not eat spicy. Oily, dry and hot products. Eat less fried. Frying of food. Xin dry to prevent flare up, forcing the blood folly. Quit alcohol, Section intercourse. Carefully rest, avoid strenuous exercise rabbit, excessive fatigue. Less ill. Be gradual and appropriate exercise.
4, for repeated illness, duration of suffering a lingering, to give spiritual comfort, life help. Encourage tree confidence, and guide the patient to actively heal. Tubing avoid styled, in order to avoid loss of government mistreatment, actually worsened symptoms. Education must be a long-term cure in patients with chronic diseases to overcome impatience, fear emotions.
About IGA nephropathy treatment and care, small series to introduce you here, hope can help to you, oh, kidney disease experts advise, IGA nephropathy hazard for us certainly not small, so when we are suffering from this disease , to be treated seriously, and do care for this disease. I wish you a speedy recovery.

