
Polycystic kidney disease patients how Science Diet

Polycystic kidney disease by eating less food with a ring :

1 , polycystic kidney disease diet should pay attention to alcoholic beverages , alcoholic beverages , especially wine , speaking for polycystic kidney disease patients should quit, polycystic kidney disease diet on alcohol and kidney irritant for gifted important. It stimulates the activity of polycystin accelerate cyst growth .

2 , fermented foods, fermented foods are talking about here is mainly bacteria becomes fermented foods, such as polycystic kidney disease diet fermented bean curd , rotten eggs category. Avoid eating such a growth rate would be beneficial cyst .

3 , high-protein food, every kind of kidney disease , should be a low -protein diet , polycystic kidney disease diet to avoid nitrogen metabolites in vivo synthesis , reduce renal excretion of force . Polycystic kidney disease diet such as soy , tofu , and other soy products .

4 , offal food , animal entrails made ​​of cooked food is not suitable for patients with polycystic kidney disease , polycystic kidney disease diet especially liver, China sent a message saying , what to eat, make up what is , in fact, not the case, polycystic kidney disease in the process of slaughtering animals eating a lot of toxins left in the liver, kidney , especially the liver , liver function is detoxification, many animals are left behind metabolic toxins in the gut , if patients taking these substances increase the burden on the kidneys invisible , worse .

5 , polycystic kidney disease diet of coffee , chocolate and non- edible

Polycystic kidney disease patients should eat , eat food

1 , high fruits and vegetables containing vitamin .

2 , iron-rich fruits and vegetables , such as carrots .

3 , to accommodate fossils vegetable foods, such as black fungus and so on.

4 , a diuretic effect of food . ( Carrot , melon )

Polycystic kidney disease patients how diet science ?

Above for polycystic kidney disease patients detailing what foods to eat what food can not eat , you see if you notice it in everyday life ? Want patients to their health requirements of their diet strictly

