
Secret: Vitamin C does not cause kidney stones

Some time ago, a southern media to " poison " in the title agency reported the results of a variety of vitamins. Does vitamin C really this insecure? In this regard , the Shanghai Association for Health Education and Bayer HealthCare and Health Research Center Vitamin C Vitamin C safety explained.

Kidney stone prevention: eight glasses of water every day to prevent kidney stones

Balz Frei , Harvard University Professor School of Public Health , said: "Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, is an important antioxidant in the human body , but also the necessary reactants collagen synthesis , neurotransmitter , carnitine and other substances ."

Scientific research has shown that vitamin C intake of less than 2,000 mg dose is safe every day. For those of large doses of vitamin C may cause adverse reactions, including oxalate kidney stone formation and increased uric acid concentration, excess iron absorption, decreased vitamin B12 levels, etc. , after carrying out a detailed verification , and did not find enough evidence . Vitamin C side effects, mainly gastrointestinal after large doses , there 's discomfort.

Vitamin C helps iron absorption , so that adequate vitamin C can reduce the prevalence of anemia , adding large doses of vitamin C (200 mg daily to 500 mg or more ) can prevent colds.

