
Daily peritoneal dialysis patients should pay attention to few things

(1) pre-dialysis room with ultraviolet light for 30 minutes, two times a day; 2% Lysol solution to clean the patient's bed, desk, etc. with objects, and walls, floors; replacement patient bed sheets, clothes, day 1; also It should be noted room ventilation, placed in front of Lysol pads.

(2) preparation of dialysis fluid and must be strictly aseptic technique during dialysis procedure; dialysate injection pipe should be sealed once a day to change the tube.

(3) close observation during dialysis dialysate color and clarity, regular inspection for bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test.

(4) observation of the patient temperature changes, with or without abdominal tenderness, as has been infected by your doctor for antibiotics.

(5) patients with abdominal pain dialysis tubing can be suitably adjusted position, the dialysate temperature, flow rate and pH. Abdominal distension may be due to decrease in bowel movements, can heat or gently massage the abdomen; encourage patients to eat more foods rich in fiber, if necessary, be forma table, neostigmine and other drugs to relieve symptoms.

(6) good protective isolation, single room, accompanied by strict, access system, to prevent cross-infection. Wash your hands before the burglary, wearing masks hat.

(7) do the monitoring. Should be measured daily weight, pulse, central venous pressure, and accurately record the amount of 24-hour access, good care of critically ill patients records, detailed records should be out of the peritoneal dialysis solution every time, the amount of fluid, residence time, regularly sending drainage do various electrolytes and sugar checks during dialysis observe whether dehydration or water retention, high-sodium, high-sugar, low potassium, potassium and other concurrent symptoms, promptly notify the physician to adjust.

(8) diet: high biological potency supplement protein such as milk, eggs, beef, high-calorie diet, daily calorie intake should be more than 35kcal / kg body weight. Avoid high-phosphorus diet for rapid weight gain, edema or hypertension, the need to restrict water and sodium intake.

(9) to strengthen primary care: good morning, evening and oral care, skin care, for patients who can not take care of themselves and activities inconvenient timing stand, to prevent bedsores and unnecessary infections.

(10) dialysis tube care: daily before dialysis is required at the outlet of the catheter and skin disinfection with iodine solution, covered with dressings. And keep them clean, dry, if wet, replace it immediately. Usually should be carefully observed at the outlet of the dialysis tube without bleeding, leakage, swelling, etc., if the above situation should be dealt with accordingly. For patients with Shower before dialysis tubes can be wrapped with plastic sheeting, shower after its surrounding skin gently wipe, and then iodine disinfection, re-dressing, but not bath, in order to avoid causing peritonitis.

       Need to know if you have more knowledge of kidney disease, please visit our website, or our online doctor consultation for free, our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

