
Elevated serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen level of significance

In the diagnosis of kidney disease, kidney patients are usually able to read the situation proteinuria and hematuria. Check assays for kidney renal function tests such as serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen lift significance, uric acid and other indicators do not understand. For elevated serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen index case, corresponding to the patient's kidneys have any questions? Below for you to do a detailed answer.
Serum creatinine (Scr) is muscle phosphocreatine hydrolysis produced. Normal adult creatinine generation rate is relatively stable, males per 24 hours to about 20 mg per kg body weight, about 15 mg of women, at the same speed double creatinine renal clearance. Glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine, not to renal metabolism, renal tubular absorption does not return, but can excrete part of tubular creatinine excretion is proportional to the concentration of serum creatinine, renal proximal tubule by active transport process organic cation secretion of creatinine some drugs can inhibit the secretion, such as: cimetidine, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and probenecid. Multi creatinine alkaline picric acid method or biochemical detected, normal is less than 132.6 micromoles / liter, it was considered only in people, pregnant women and bedridden person, or the body's capacity is reduced due to muscle positive nitrogen balance (pregnant) in the blood serum creatinine concentration decreased production was reduced, even normal value should be less than 88.4 micromoles / liter. When the glomerular filtration rate of less than 60 ml per minute, will be elevated serum creatinine, creatinine to infer with glomerular filtration rate, specificity 100%, sensitivity of 60%, ie serum creatinine elevated glomerular filtration rate is certainly lower than normal; serum creatinine were often the finishing touch to their normal glomerular filtration rate may also be reduced. As with the reciprocal of serum creatinine (eg: 884 micromoles / upgraded to 10 mg / one hundred milliliters its countdown of 10 ml / min) to estimate the glomerular filtration rate, then, due to the small tube drainage and overrated.

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is a human protein metabolism end products. The liver is the main organ to form urea. Generated depends on the amount of urea in vivo protein intake diet, tissue protein catabolism and liver function. Urea is mainly excreted by the kidneys, a small part of the discharge through the skin by sweat, every 24 hours by renal excretion of urea from 10 to 30 grams. All blood urea from the glomerular filtration, under normal circumstances about 30% to 40% by tubular reabsorption; tubules can also be a small amount of urea excretion, increased excretion punish renal failure. Although the determination of when the blood urea nitrogen can react glomerular filtration rate team, but glomerular filtration rate must drop to more than half the normal finishing touch, urea nitrogen will increase. Its normal 2.9 to 7.5 mmol / L, urea nitrogen levels affected by many factors, the impact of such infections, fever, dehydration, gastrointestinal bleeding, eating Kang protein meal and other factors; and low-protein diet or not eating for a long time or drinking a lot of urination, blood urea nitrogen levels decreased. Therefore, urea nitrogen in terms of estimated glomerular filtration function that is not sensitive nor accurate.

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