
Nephropathy: no protein and more protein Mistakes

Wang aunt neighbor fifties year, since being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, the strict control of protein intake, only vegetarian, do not eat meat, do not eat soy products is a mouthful, like this, she insisted for a while "No-protein diet," not only did not improve the results of the disease, but a daily weight loss, the body has become increasingly frail, was taken to hospital last family. After doctors understand the disease, pointing out that the king's aunt's diet is not correct, kidney patients need is a "low-protein, protein restriction" instead of "no protein" diet.

Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital director Dr. Zhang Shengrong Nephrology introduced protein loss is more important chronic nephritis feature, since the loss of large amounts of protein in the urine, often induced hypoproteinemia and severe edema, and even can not use a lot of diuretics make edema. Therefore, the protection of renal function has become the central issue, which is particularly important to control diet. Zhang introduced nephritis patients now know to control the diet, especially protein intake, but exactly how to control it? Some patients with nephropathy due to a thorough understanding of not, there has been "no protein" and "multi-protein" diet of two errors.

"No protein" diet refers to the number of patients being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease after the start control protein diet, usually only a vegetarian, does not eat meat. Hope that by virtue of "protein-free diet" to control the disease, the result is often the condition does not improve, but every day lean body increasingly frail. Zhang said, "no protein" diet will not help on the treatment of kidney disease can also cause malnutrition, low immunity, infection, worse. In contrast, some patients with chronic nephritis think will lose a lot of urine protein, and turn to diet, followed a variety of protein-rich foods, in order to supplement the loss of protein in the urine. Results of excessive protein intake, increased the burden on the kidneys, is not conducive to the protection of renal function.

Zhang suggested that kidney patients to choose high-quality low-protein diet. In general: How much protein intake should refer the patient's serum creatinine clearance and endogenous anhydride. The higher serum creatinine levels, lower endogenous creatinine clearance rate, the more stringent control of protein intake. Protein is an important nutrient, the body can not do without, especially the essential amino acids that the body can not synthesize their own foreign intake must therefore be adequate intake of essential amino acids, more high-quality protein. Diet should minimize vegetable protein, vegetable protein is mainly crude protein, crude protein relative multiple metabolic waste, and can increase the burden on the kidneys. Renal failure patients should generally be limited to eating soy products, appropriate restrictions on staple foods such as rice in general, because rice (except wheat starch) contains certain vegetable protein, may be appropriate to add milk, eggs, eat a little fish, lean meat and other animal protein (contains essential amino acids, high-quality protein). Especially in the milk, egg protein is appropriate. High-quality low-protein diet can effectively reduce the burden on the kidneys, to create conditions for the treatment of chronic kidney disease, the treatment effect will be better and faster.

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