
The study found more sun and less diabetes

Many benefits of the sun. Western Australia 珀斯特拉松 Children's Institute, University of Edinburgh and the University of Southampton researchers found that moderate exposure to sunlight irradiation process can help delay the onset of obesity and diabetes.

The research team to overeat UV irradiation mice to mimic the effect of sunlight. Experimental results show that these mice develop diabetes risk factors (abnormal blood sugar levels and insulin resistance) a downward trend. Researchers there ultraviolet treatment of diabetic rats risks played a useful role attributed to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a compound in the skin exposed to the sun would naturally released. Nitric oxide-containing cream, the effect of direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation is similar when the researchers gave the mice on the skin of these mice blotted out. The study also found that nitric oxide can help lower blood pressure. After that, scientists in experiments on humans were also found in a similar situation. This suggests that the sun to reduce the risk of diabetes has positive benefits.

Published in the "Journal of Diabetes Science" on the results of this study suggest that because the skin caused by contact with sunlight to release nitric oxide is not only good for the heart and vascular health, but also beneficial to the body's metabolism regulatory function, therefore, usually people should be more to walk outdoors, especially the elderly, the sun on the health boost. It also provides a new direction for the prevention of diabetes.

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