
Hypoglycemic, do not forget to protect the liver and kidney function

   In the course of hypoglycemic medication, and not pay attention to long-term plan, ignoring the side effects of drugs, most likely forced impaired kidney function while in hypoglycemic. Thus, in the course of the treatment of diabetes, must be "comprehensive consideration, comprehensive treatment."

Hypoglycemic Myth: only the immediate future regardless

2010 "issued by the National Diabetes epidemiological survey" shows that the number of diabetes in China is about 9240 million, the figure is three times in 2002. But more seriously, pre-diabetes prevalence rate as high as 15.5%, which estimated national prevalence of about 148 million pre-diabetic people. However, the current state of diabetes prevention worrying.

November 14 this year will mark the 23 World Diabetes Day, the theme of "protecting our future." Chinese Diabetes Society will be chairman, Third Affiliated Hospital, vice president Professor Weng Jianping introduction, diabetes has entered the era of individualized treatment, the latest idea is no longer to hypoglycemic single goal, and liver and kidney function must be considered low variety of factors glucose, weight gain, cardiovascular risk, economical cost.

However, many doctors and patients are not aware of it. Clinically, Weng Yuanzhang had a lot of admissions, "only the immediate, regardless of the future" cases. For example, blood glucose and insulin twelve days to put down, but absolutely no consideration β cell function in patients; blood sugar rapidly compliance, but did not take into account the risk of hypoglycemia and liver and kidney function; some patients upon diagnosis, use of three hypoglycemic remind medicine ...... Weng Jianping, treatment of diabetes is not a day or two things, but even decades of protracted ten years, if not fully consider, too much emphasis on hypoglycemic, most likely at the same time forced hypoglycemic liver and kidney dysfunction.

Elderly patients are more to be "special" treatment

It is understood that the 2010 update of the "Chinese Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Guide" made it clear that the goal should be individualized glycemic control, should be set up for different patients different control objectives are to improve the control would be beneficial to patients with any indicators, and will reduce related risk factors lead to the risk of complications.

Professor Weng Jianping that for different diabetes patients, especially elderly patients, obese patients, the combined high cholesterol, kidney dysfunction, but should adopt different treatment options, only a single, lower blood sugar target is unable to meet the patient individual treatment needs. For example, the traditional antidiabetic metformin effective and inexpensive, but 90 percent of its metabolites excreted by the kidneys, diabetic nephropathy itself is likely to increase the burden on the kidneys taken.

While the larger and older with diabetes have been consolidated in terms of cardiovascular disease, hypoglycemia harm more serious than high blood sugar, prone to cardiovascular accidents, and even lead to shock and death. Therefore, to minimize the risk of hypoglycemia is a problem of elderly patients with diabetes need to be vigilant. To this end, a number of diabetes prevention guidelines recommend that patients with DPP-4 inhibitors and other new drugs in lowering blood sugar at the same time, prevent hypoglycemia, cardiovascular risk and weight gain, reducing the burden on the liver and kidney.

Visible, diabetes drug selection is very careful, not just glucose only.

"Full consideration" concept needs to popularity

China on the current situation in terms of prevention and treatment of diabetes, diabetic patients how to choose the right treatment under the guidance of the concept of a drug has become a problem to be faced. The treatment of diabetes and lifestyle interventions should be multi-pronged drug therapy. Weng Jianping pointed out that in the treatment of diabetes, must take "full consideration, comprehensive management" treatment philosophy, concerned about the effectiveness of drugs, we should also pay attention to drug safety, protect the liver and kidney function and economic costs of drug therapy problems.

It is noteworthy that most of antidiabetic drugs, including drugs, including usually metabolized by the liver, through the renal clearance, so at the same time lowering blood sugar, liver and kidney function will be affected to varying degrees and even damaged. If kidney function in diabetic patients, once damaged, taking hypoglycemic agents would need to adjust the dose, or even to avoid using certain after liver or kidney metabolism of drugs.

Weng Jianping pointed out that regular follow patients is very important, so that the doctor promptly and appropriately adjust the treatment plan, try to use the most efficacy and minimal side effects of the drug.

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1 条评论:

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