
Mistakes! "Kidney" not against "kidney injury"

All over the world advertising propaganda "10 men and nine virtual", "fatigue is a kidney," "kidney kidney would" make a lot of middle-aged man struggling livelihoods always feel empty. In order to obtain the point of psychological comfort, many people buy kidney medicine to eat. So, to the middle would have to get kidney it? Originally people do not need to eat kidney kidney medicine, not only can not be up on nutrients, but also to the organ adding to the burden of detoxification.

Myth # 1: regardless of yin and yang tonic chaos

The main concept of TCM kidney from a functional perspective, covering a number of physiological functions of the body's reproductive, urinary, neurological, endocrine, respiratory, bone and other tissues and organs. The kidney Chinese medicine from the Western point of view it is difficult to understand, kidney anatomy concept of Western medicine only from the perspective of the kidney.

Regardless of "yin" or "yang" blind kidney approach is wrong. Kidney points kidney (cold), deficiency (dry mouth and throat easy to get angry), kidney deficiency (energy is not enough, nocturnal enuresis), lack of essence (easy hair loss and weak sperm), yin and yang (also cold fear of heat) five types.

Chinese medicine has always emphasized that the body's yin and yang balance, if the "yin" and "yang" or "yang" and "yin" would undermine the body balance, worse. For example, people who eat kidney Jinkuishenqiwan not right, because this drug is yang, deficiency of suitable people. Therefore, Chinese medicine "kidney", we must first syndrome.

Myth # 2: you eat Liuweidihuangwan

Liu sexual function is not very good, he heard a friend say that eating a Liuweidihuangwan effect is quite good, so also according to side fill a prescription, condition worsen after eating the results. Why does this happen? Because the drug is recommended to him that person is yin and yang, he is a card, although the symptoms of the same sex is not good, but the disease is not the same machine, as well as the usual stomach is not good, relatively cold. So eat Yin Liuweidihuangwan stool after more bad, is typical of the wrong medicine.

Not everyone is suitable to eat this drug. But people taking kidney Liuweidihuangwan perhaps it would be better. Red tongue, little coating or without coating, rapid pulse of the people may be kidney, here we must note that thick white fur people that the body may have phlegm, phlegm cleared first and then see if the dialectical can Liuweidihuangwan.

If you really do not understand, it is best to find a regular hospital practitioners, make his pulse to see if suitable for taking Liuweidihuangwan.

Myth # 3: "kidney" is the impotence

Middle-aged men are mistaken for kidney drug is "aphrodisiac", that one eat on the soul. "Virtual" main function is low, the result of nutritional deficiencies. Kidney exhibit hypothyroidism and kidney-related. For example, the brain is slow to respond, not long stature, sexual dysfunction, easy to fracture, nocturnal enuresis, urinary wait any longer, Yaotuisuanruan so on. These are also middle-aged common situation, but it can not be generalized, where the above symptoms it is certainly due to kidney deficiency.

So, a lot of middle-aged to find a doctor for help on how to resolve sexual dysfunction, and strongly suggests that the requirements of the kidney, asked whether to eat seahorses, penises, deer, Epimedium and other impotence drugs. In fact, carefully investigate their condition, mostly psychological stress, such as caused by overwork. Therefore, to face such callers, responsible doctor is not an exaggeration to give him a kidney drugs.

     If you want to learn more knowledge of kidney disease, please visit our website, or our online doctor consultation for free, our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

