
Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy from the skin condition

Also skin and kidney tissue of our body's metabolism, they have some links to some extent, so we can observe the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy through the skin.

A patient may be diagnosed diabetic nephropathy in accordance skin erythema

Patients with diabetic nephropathy blisters usually appear hurt. Thin wall, which contains transparent slurry bubble around without flush. Under normal circumstances erythema long fingers and toes, back or bottom edge of the hand, foot, and can be in single or multiple appear in a few weeks to heal, but it will appear again.

Second, patients with diabetic nephropathy usually itchy skin condition that

Many of diabetic nephropathy patients with systemic or topical dry skin scaling, itchy. Especially for women with vaginal itching so patients should pay more attention.

Third, the patient can be diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy through daily sweat

Patients with diabetic nephropathy usually appear abnormal sweating conditions, and for the patients themselves, it can be confirmed by this work to diabetic nephropathy, often occur for no reason, sweating, and more common in the upper limbs or trunk, some patients even sweating phenomenon.

Fourth, neck folliculitis

Can appear in the neck occipital pus-like inflammation of prickly heat, there is a sense of tenderness, and the development of boils or cellulitis. After the pus discharge may heal, but not long after will relapse.

Five foot gangrene

Patients can often occur foot pain and temperature sensation disappears, dry and easy to crack, prone to ulcers, suppuration, necrosis, and difficult to heal, or even perforation foot disease.

Finally, to remind everyone that the skin lesions is not a simple skin disease some time, we can not simply look at this problem, if there is abnormal skin aspects of the disease or symptoms, must be timely to the hospital for examination, including blood tests , urine test, diagnose and troubleshoot diabetic nephropathy is the top priority.

If you have more knowledge about kidney want to know, please visit our website, or free to consult our online doctor. Our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

