
What are the symptoms of kidney poor women do?

Probably some of the symptoms of kidney poor women, mainly in the following aspects:

Chills: refers to the cold and the wind and feeling fear. "Limbs" means limbs cold hands and feet, and even cold to the elbow, knee symptoms. "Chills" is often accompanied by waist and knee pain, fatigue God lying, less gas lazy words, light thirsty mouth and other kidney diseases.

Asthma: kidney function Carolina gas. Not because of kidney qi, can cause shortness of breath, wheezing, respiratory more smoke less, so that you find it difficult to breathe carefree. Under severe cases, breathing may also occur along with aggravated asthma, cold sweat and other symptoms.

Low back pain: low back pain lies in the kidney, can be divided into internal injuries and strain. Kidney generally refers to the inherent internal injuries, caused by excessive Jiubingtixu or fatigue. Light it difficult to bend or erect, severe heel pain, lower back fatigue embolism; strain refers to the physical burden is too heavy, or long-term work in the same fixed position (using a computer, driving, etc.), as long as kidney damage, resulting in essence deficiency.

Constipation: constipation bowel problems often arise due to anal fissure, hemorrhoids embolism, affecting work, life miserable. Although part of the large intestine constipation conduction dysfunction, but its root cause is due to kidney deficiency caused, because the kidney opens into two yin, the main two stools, stool conduction through the kidney must function properly in order to stimulate and nourish.

Backache, leg pain, urinary urgency: a long stiff invariably sat in the car, plus a car nervousness over time and eventually lead to the formation of kidney qi stagnation.

Dizziness, tinnitus: Many people have experienced the feeling of dizziness, kind eyes grow dim, dizzy, nausea and vomiting, taste and feel good, but patients often accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus sound, hinder the hearing, long continue, and even lead to deafness. Cause dizziness, tinnitus associated with multiple liver. Chinese perspective "kidney essence marrow, marrow and brain poly", so can cause kidney marrow deficiency, brain failure has raised, dizziness, ringing in the ears.

Dizziness, weakness insomnia: kidney as one of the important organs of the body to nourish and inviting the other organs, if other organs long illness, it is easy to hurt the kidneys. Many chronic diseases such as chronic hepatitis, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, high blood pressure patients, often accompanied by symptoms of kidney deficiency.

Kidney for women's health is very important, is a part of the kidney can not be ignored. Cherish the good way is to pay attention to the kidneys daily nutrition, attention to exercise. Must eat breakfast, but also to add some water to drink plenty of water.

If you have a need to know more kidney-related knowledge, please visit our website, or free to consult our online doctor. Our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

