
Detailed renal cysts

Renal cyst is an abnormal structural formation rounded, limited connective tissue capsule , which is contained within the fluid. Originally renal cyst develops from one segment of the renal tubules , but with the increase in size and the accumulation of secretions , it is disconnected .

Classification of renal cysts

Distinguish congenital cysts (including genetically determined ) and acquired cysts . Cysts can be single (eg, solitary cyst) and multiple , while in the defeat of one kidney multicystic kidney talking about , and if the pathology affects both kidneys - about polycystic kidney disease . Depending on the nature of

the contents of the cyst may be serous , hemorrhagic or infected ( with the development of the inflammatory process ) . Cysts are also classified based on the location they may be cortical , subcapsular , intraparenhimnymi , okololohanochnymi or multilokulyarnymi .

Acquired renal cyst identified by various sources about 30-40% of patients over the age of 50 years. Polycystic kidney disease , ie multiple bilateral renal damage with its replacement with tissue cysts of varying size is relatively frequent ( women suffer more often than men ) and is

hereditary diseases . Multicystic kidney (unilateral lesion) is a rare anomaly.

Clinical manifestations of kidney cysts
Simple renal cyst single , the dimensions of which are not great , in most cases does not manifest and discovered by chance during the ultrasound. If due to an increase in the size of the cyst begins

compress the ureter or renal pelvis , the patient may appear dull aching pain in the kidney on the affected side .

In the case of accession of infection in a patient , symptoms of pyelonephritis - general weakness , fever , aching pain, palpitations , often painful urination, muscle and joint pain . In a laboratory study, found in the urine leukocytes, erythrocytes may appear and cylinders .

With the development of chronic renal failure in a patient , general weakness , thirst, increased urination, and quickens the amount of urine (polyuria ) , increased blood pressure , red blood cells appear in the urine ( hematuria) . Large cyst may compress not only the renal pelvis or ureter , but also vessels, which eventually leads to ischemia and progressive atrophy of the affected kidney .

When the diagnosis of the patient's complaints are taken into account . When multiple cysts kidney palpation increased in size , have a bumpy surface. Laboratory methods reveal : blood - anemia, decrease in protein content , increased levels of urea and creatinine in the urine - pyuria , hematuria , can be detected hyaline casts , reduced urine specific gravity (a sign of developing chronic renal failure ) .

The main diagnostic method for the detection of renal cysts is a renal ultrasound . It allows the U.S. to establish the site, size , number of cysts , and identifies their relationship to adjacent organs .

If there is a need for additional tests (eg , in the differential diagnosis of kidney tumors ) , contrast radiographic techniques used - angiography, excretory urography . In contrast to tumors, renal cyst appears as avascular zone .

Single simple renal cyst does not require additional treatment , the patient is recommended annually

undergo screening ( renal ultrasonography ) and avoid hypothermia infectious diseases. The need for treatment arises in the case of complications of the disease - the development of pyelonephritis and chronic renal failure. It should be noted that the possibility of conservative treatment of renal cysts are very limited and can be reduced to compensate for a deviation (inflammation , anemia , hypertension , impaired renal excretory function ) .

For large uncomplicated cysts that compress the surrounding tissue , may conduct discharge cyst puncture ( ignipuncture ) .

According to the testimony also performed husking ( enucleation ) cysts, cysts or kidney resection , in the case of total destruction of cystic kidney removes kidney ( nephrectomy ) followed by kidney transplantation . Recently, these operations are carried out laparoscopic that promotes better portability operations reduce postoperative recovery period , less trauma and reduce the number of postoperative complications.

