
Yang Shen Yang Shen gold how to properly season a woman? (2)

Sixth, diet and kidneys
There are many foods can kidney . In addition to black black sesame , black fungus, black rice , black beans and other foods may Yang Shen , the walnuts, chives , shrimp, mutton kidney , etc., may also play a role in kidney Yang Shen .
Seven, Yang Shen sleep
Adequate sleep for blood biochemistry , plays an important role in the maintenance of essence . Clinical findings, many patients with kidney failure are too late at night , fatigue, lack of sleep experience.
Therefore, do not stay up late too , to develop good habits , early hours , is conducive to the conservation of essence .
Eight , avoid fatigue section intercourse
Heavy physical labor will hurt gas, mental overweight will hurt the blood , excessive labor room will hurt fine . Therefore, we must do what , there are degrees of labor , sexual intercourse with restraint . Only in this way will help protect Yang Shen essence .
Nine , wary of drugs
Whether Chinese or Western medicine , there are some side effects , some drugs can damage kidneys uniforms . So when the medication should be vigilant , to read the instructions carefully , need long-term use of certain drugs , we should consult relevant experts .
X. Yang Shen movement
Life is movement . By Yang Shen correct virtual sports is worthwhile to promote positive measures .
Here to introduce you to help Yang Shen virtual and easy to learn correct exercise methods : two hands to rub the palm of the heat, were put to the waist , palms to the skin , massage the waist down , to have up thermal.
May sooner or later, again, about 200 times per pass . This exercise can kidney qi .

