
Diet in chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure - a complication of various diseases of the kidneys in severe defeat their functions. In the body of the sick person accumulate products of protein metabolism , which leads to self-poisoning organism. Diet therapy in these cases is crucial.

   General principles of diet therapy in chronic renal failure :

1. Dietary protein restriction to 20-70 grams per day , depending on the degree of renal failure .
2 Ensure caloric food by increasing the amount of fats and carbohydrates .
3 . Use of a sufficient amount of fruit and vegetables subject of protein , vitamins and salt composition .
4 . Appropriate cooking of foods to improve appetite .
5 . Adjusting the intake of salt and water , depending on the presence of edema , blood pressure and renal .

  In the initial stage of the disease the amount of protein in the diet significantly limit (up to 70 g or 1 g of protein per 1 kg body weight of the patient) .
  Recommended to use vegetable proteins contained in bread, vegetables, nuts , legumes, cereals . Metabolic products of these proteins easily excreted. Besides plant foods contain large amounts of alkaline compounds , which hinders the development of acidosis.

  To ensure sufficient dietary energy must eat a variety of fats and carbohydrates , especially contained in fruits and vegetables .

  Salt limit slightly. Food is cooked without salt , but you can use 5-6 grams of salt per day . If the patient has an increase in the amount of urine (polyuria ), the salt can be increased to 6.5 g per 1 liter of urine .

  The amount of liquid also must not exceed the amount of urine isolated over the past day , more than 500 ml. Sufficient fluid promotes the excretion of metabolic products .

  Once a week fasting day (sugar , watermelon , pumpkin , potato , apple ) .

  In severe stage renal failure severely limit the amount of protein (up to 20 - 40g per day). The main part of the proteins ( 70-75 %) should be proteins of animal origin ( milk, eggs, meat, fish) to provide essential amino acids the body .

  Due to the sharp limiting the amount of protein energy value of the diet is increased by milk and vegetable fats, and carbohydrates. To improve the taste in dishes added spices, herbs , sour fruit and vegetable juices (lemon , orange, tomato , etc.).

  At night you can use 2- 3g of salt. If there is no swelling , chronic heart failure , high blood pressure , the patient can use 3g of salt per day .

  The amount of liquid (including entrees ), which may drink ill, shall not exceed the amount of daily diuresis ( urine excretion ) for the previous day , more than 500ml . The liquid can be used as diluted fruit and vegetable juices or bicarbonate mineral waters ( Borjomi Luzhanskaya number 1 , Glade Kvasova ) .
  Food should be boiled , meat and fish after boiling , lightly fry .

  Exclude from the diet foods and drinks that irritate the kidneys ( strong coffee , tea, cocoa, chocolate, spicy and salty snacks , meat broths , fish and mushroom broths , alcohol) . Food - 5-6 times a day .

   In severe renal insufficiency stage worthy type diet Giordano - Giovanetti , which can be used for a long time. This low-protein diet that contains 18 - 25g egg whites to meet the body's need for essential amino acids .

  Caloric diet 2000-2800 kcal provided mainly from fat (120 - 130g ) and carbohydrates ( 230- 380g ) . Salt is added in an amount of 2- 5g.
  Liquid is not particularly limited, and corresponds to the daily diuresis .

  Bread , meat and fish are excluded , as they reinforce acidosis .

  Widely used vegetables, fruits, sugar, jam , marmalade , honey , vegetable oil, milk fat . To improve the taste added spices: fennel, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves , allspice , parsley , vanilla. Prohibited seasoning - irritants : horseradish, garlic, radish , mustard .

