
The prognosis for kidney cysts

Prognosis in patients with congenital renal cysts: if the process of bilateral, dysplastic kidney disease multikistoznaya incompatible with life. More characteristic of unilateral or segmental lesion that is diagnosed prenatally another using ultrasound.

The prognosis for genetic kidney cysts

Prognosis in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: patients with polycystic kidney over 30 years developing renal failure in 45% of patients older than 60 years of developing end-stage renal failure. One-third of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease as a result of kidney failure killed, another third of patients die as a result of complications during evolved hypertensive nephropathy, and 6-10% of patients die as a result of established subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Prognosis in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney newborns diagnosed with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney often die within 6 weeks as a result of respiratory and renal failure. If patients survive, they have a 80% chance of living to 15 years. Development of severe renal failure in one third of patients with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney observed to 5 years of life, and almost 100% of patients to 20 years.
The prognosis for medullary cystic disease and medullary cystic kidney disease: patients with medullary cystic disease and medullary cystic kidney disease progressing renal failure, usually within 5-10 years from the date of diagnosis.
Weather in systemic diseases associated with kidney cysts: more than 40% of patients with the disease syndrome Von Hippel-Lindau developing renal cell carcinoma, which is the leading cause of death.

The prognosis for acquired renal cysts:

Weather in acquired cystic kidney disease. Acquired cystic kidney disease progresses, while the patient is on hemodialysis. Often the disease regresses after transplantation, but is associated with a more aggressive tumor progression of kidney, resulting in reduced immunity patients after transplantation.
Medullary sponge kidney and simple cysts and usually have a favorable prognosis is not progressive.

To know and remember, if you have a genetic kidney disease should be consulted before planning child geneticists to determine the risk of a genetic kidney disease in your child. Thus, in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease risk for the disease in subsequent offspring is 50%. In autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, it is important to remember that all the offspring will be a carrier of the disease. Parents of children with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease should be aware that these children have a 25% chance of getting sick, and 50% as carriers of the gene.

