
Lupus nephritis - clinical manifestations

SLE (systemic lupus erythematosis, SLE) is an unknown etiology with a variety of multi- system damage characterized by the formation of autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases. The patient's body can produce antibodies against its own nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane antigens. Usually presents clinically fever, facial erythema multiforme rash, photosensitivity, multiple oral ulcers, arthritis, multiple serositis , vasculitis , nephritis and central nervous system symptoms. Great variation illness , often due to a system or an organ lesions are more prominent , easily misdiagnosed . To kidney damage as the main performers , known as systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis (systemic lupus erythematosis nephritis SLEN) and lupus nephritis (lupus nephritis, LN).
SLE is more common in women than men are men and women have the same 1:13 but patients with high rates of renal involvement , with an average age of onset is 27 to 29 years , 85% of patients aged 55 years or less SLE is a systemic disease , involving clinical manifestations of multiple systems and organs showed diversity. Approximately 70% of patients with clinical manifestations of kidney damage , combined renal biopsy immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, the SLE 100% had renal involvement . Often due to infection, cold, sunlight , alcohol , stress overwork or mental stress and other factors that lead to disease onset or worsening , may also be due to improper use of hormones , weight loss caused by excessive or sudden withdrawal relapse . Every relapse, will make even more aggravated involvement organ damage , and even failure.

