
Nephritis ate (1)

1, longan porridge

Longan 60 grams, 100 grams of rice, a little brown sugar. ① Astragalus sliced, panning clean. ② astragalus into the pot, add some water, with the fire to boil, skim concoction. ③ rice pot, add concoction, amount of water, mixed with the use of force after the fire, switch to a simmer and cook until rice rotten porridge. 2 times a day, morning and evening 1 for older edema, chronic nephritis, physical weakness, but red tongue Jifu.

2, ginger, jujube porridge

12 grams of fresh ginger, jujube 6, rice 90 grams. Wash chopped ginger, jujube, rice porridge. 2 times a day, doing early evening meal can be taken all year round. Optional mild floating species, pale complexion who

