
Kidney wary of ten signal

Early nephropathy , often do not feel pain , so easily overlooked , it is difficult to find. Many patients physically very uncomfortable , and only went to a hospital and found that kidney disease is already very heavy , and even life-threatening , you need to do immediately hemodialysis. Therefore, the United States, " Health" website published an article reminder , the following 10 common signal must be very vigilant.

1 . Meijin Er . When poor kidney function , and many difficult to excrete waste from the urine out, there will be lack of energy, fatigue , weakness , etc. Meijin Er feeling. Wang Kui , director of nephrology storm Oriental Hospital , Beijing University of Chinese Medicine noted that the kidneys are sick , protein and other nutrients leaking from the kidneys through urine excreted , there will Meijin Er performance. Some patients may think is too tired , or other reasons , to the neglect of kidney problems.

2 poor appetite . The patient will be a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms , especially because of gastrointestinal edema , often not eating, bloating and other digestive disorders symptoms.

3 nausea and vomiting. When diabetic patients with renal failure, blood urea nitrogen levels , intestinal bacterial urease will decompose to ammonia urea , ammonia can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract , causing nausea and vomiting. At this time coupled with concentrated urine kidney dysfunction, nocturnal enuresis will increase the amount of patients, while the body of water in the night will be a substantial loss, blood concentration , morning blood urea nitrogen levels are relatively high. Therefore, the early morning when the easy nausea, vomiting worse.

4 . Urine bubble . Urine bubble for many reasons , this phenomenon will lead to kidney disease . If the protein from the kidney into the urine leakage , urine will play a lot of foam.

5 abnormal urination . Healthy people urination frequency of about 4-6 times a day , about 800-2000 ml of urine , urination and urine if too much or too little , we should pay attention.

6 urine protein and urine occult blood . Occult blood or protein in urine , there is an important indication of kidney illness , urine can be detected. But sometimes non- nephrotic professional doctor will ignore this, it would be best to consult a physician to find kidney .

7 anemia. Patients with anemia often go hematology clinic. In fact , the kidneys excrete wastes in addition to other functions, there is a large signal hormone secretion hematopoietic function is impaired renal function .

8 . Hypertension. Hypertension can cause high blood pressure kidney disease, also known as hypertension, kidney damage, so people who have hypertension should pay more attention. Of course , kidney disease can also cause high blood pressure.

9 gout , hyperuricemia . Gout , hyperuricemia are caused by too much uric acid in the blood , the blood of people with high uric acid , uric acid is deposited in the kidneys , the renal function is impaired .

10. Urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections are often people who , a long time , it may cause renal insufficiency.

