
Nephrotic syndrome - nephrotic syndrome TCM

TCM nephrotic syndrome can be divided into six types , the performance of a virtual image , there is a common type of qi , yang deficiency , yin deficiency type , manifested as a real image of the common are: feng shui type , damp-heat , stasis type . Types can be transformed in the course of treatment or another and see , are described as follows:

( 1 ) Deficiency : Disease located mainly in the kidney , manifested as backache, fatigue , no significant edema, or only mild edema , body drowsiness , and even then struggling to enact , intolerant sedentary, urine protein or have different degrees the red blood cells , pink tongue , thin coating, pulse weak .

( 2 ) Yang type : disease located mainly in the spleen , the performance of Anhui white complexion , cold limbs , swollen learned over the body , not by the means , even with pleural effusion may even chest tightness , shortness of breath , a small urinate deficient, loose stools thin, urine has protein , fat and pale tongue , thin or greasy, thin pulse .

( 3 ) deficiency type : disease located mainly in the liver and kidney, edema less visible , but dry mouth, sore throat , dizziness, blurred vision , brash, red urine , there are different levels of urine protein and red blood cells, backache, night sweats , Fan , red tongue , pulse a few strings. After large doses of hormone therapy or excessive urination common type of this syndrome .

( 4 ) Type of Feng Shui : Feng Xie clip has caused foreign attacks , especially wind and heat than cold , some began to chill , then heat of those . This type of vision is often eyelid and facial swelling , and then quickly spread to the whole body, limb sour heavy , difficult urination , or if the check urine protein seen with varying degrees of red blood cells . And a fever, aversion to wind , headache , sore throat , cough, nasal congestion , etc. and certificates .

( 5 ) Damp-heat: heat due to the invasion of the evil caused by acute onset and more , Bianshen edema , skin color moist bright, abdominal swelling, nausea , Fan thirst , dry stool , scanty dark urine, or skin sores boil , urine protein and red blood cells , such as a large , red tongue, yellow or greasy, slippery pulse. This type is more common in Cushing 's disease and secondary infection and corticosteroids after kidney healed .

( 6 ) Stagnation Type : Multi falling from the edema caused by the gas and blood . Clinically meet floating limb swelling , skin a mistake, or are petechia petechiae , or back pain , red urine , urine has protein in red blood cells and pleomorphic , pale or red tongue , tongue side petechiae , sublingual Department bruising ribs , thin yellow or greasy hesitant or . Also showed only edema persistent , long lasting , the lack of other obvious external signs were bleeding .

