
Symptoms and effects
In the case when the patient has symptoms of renal cyst current condition often depend on its location as well as its size. The most characteristic symptoms include dull pain arising in the lower back or upper quadrant, which intensified after exercise . Also, the patient has hypertension (a symptom of hypertension ) , sometimes progressing to total hematuria . Typically , the tumor detected by palpation .
When you break or festering cyst patients complain of severe pain , and highlights the various inflammatory conditions .
Unfortunately, education cystic kidney often formed without visible patognomichnyh clinical signs , and sometimes for many years does not manifest itself . In this case, the question arises : " Dangerous if a cyst on a kidney ? " It depends on the place of its location, and the size . In some cases, this formation can cause pain , as well as trigger the development of hydronephrosis or pyelonephritis. In 10% of cases of cystic neoplasms entail the development of renal failure.
Treatment of renal cysts
Thus, for diagnostic examination was found a cyst on kidney - what to do? Most cystic neoplasms do not need treatment , but only requires dynamic monitoring . If the occurrence of cysts develop as a result of complications such as acute or chronic pyelonephritis , urolithiasis or renal hypertension genesis patient symptomatic treatment .
To aspirate the contents assigned percutaneous cyst puncture .
Percutaneous puncture with subsequent drainage of cysts of the kidney. In this case, after the puncture in the capsule is inserted into a cyst drainage (for its emptying ) . Thus there is a decrease of the cyst wall and scarring . However, this method is quite dangerous, since in this case there is risk of infection of the kidney.
Laparoscopic excision of symptomatic and recurrent cysts - an alternative to percutaneous puncture or open abdominal surgery . At the present stage is one of the most popular methods that is constantly being improved . Through the introduction of the urology practice of modern laparoscopic equipment have changed the principles of diagnosis and treatment of renal cysts . This technique involves performing radical operations , but it is maloinvazivnogo ( abdominal wall incision is made 3 to 5 mm).
However, in some cases, patients show open surgery . This operation is indicated for festering or cyst rupture , its malignant degeneration , or the detection of cysts that caused the loss of renal parenchyma or renal hypertension . Also, open surgery is necessary in some clinical forms of urolithiasis and stricture UPJ . This surgical technique provides nephrectomy ( removal of the kidney ) , resection , excision of the cyst wall or free her husking .