
Yang Shen ate winter

Pathogenic than Western medicine , pay more attention to health . Our country since ancient times, health habits , seasonal regimen , 12 solar terms of health and other health methods has a long history . As the saying goes : Spring Liver, spleen raising summer and autumn Yangfeihuoxue winter Yang Shen . Now winter is coming soon , it is a good time kidney . People have also spread this winter tonic , Tiger said the law next year . Today we say it raises the kidney diet food choice in winter , let's take a look at winter kidney related presentations ate it.

Yang Shen ate winter

Experts : Four Seasons Health is also derived from the five elements of health, winter is wood is green, summer is a fire red, autumn is gold is yellow, winter is water is black , while the smooth movement of soil on behalf of gas , because in order to account for four of the five elements Therefore, summer and autumn soil located transition period . And today we are mainly talking about winter , winter is the water is black , natural foods are a lot of black is good for the kidney . The following experts recommend some black kidney food for everyone :

1 , black rice

The study found that black rice contains 18 kinds of amino acids and selenium , iron, zinc and other trace elements B1, B2, high nutritional value , with Yin and kidney, spleen warm liver , eyesight and blood circulation effect . Long-term consumption of black rice, can promote sleep , but also the treatment of dizziness , dizziness , anemia, hair , eye and Yaotuisuanruan embolism. Modern medicine, black rice on the blood, pain, treatment of trauma have a certain effect.

2 , black sesame seeds

Black sesame sweet natured, have liver or kidney, the role of moisture five internal organs , due to lack of vertigo caused by kidney essence and blood , hair, hair loss , waist and knees , intestinal dry constipation have better therapeutic health care. " Compendium of Materia Medica ," said the black sesame body surface gloss taking a year or two years back black hair , three exfoliated tooth . In medicine, black sesame seeds can Liver , kidney, blood , moistening , UFA , beauty, beauty is an excellent food .

3 , black beans

Aka Wudou , sweet natured, Rupi , kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine, anti-aging black beans help with the medical treatment of food with special features . Black beans are the ancients as the Valley of kidney, black beans, sweet nature, not only shaped like a kidney , and kidney physical, Blood and water , detoxification , soothing effect, especially for kidney patients.

4 , black fungus

Black fungus is an excellent anti-cancer foods , because of its high cellulose content , can be a good garbage and intravascular carcinogens , prevention of cardiovascular disease, and colon carcinogens diluted , can help prevent colon cancer. Black fungus also regulate blood sugar, reduce blood viscosity , reduce blood cholesterol. Black fungus can eat solid kidney essence , diuretic eliminate stone , commonly used in kidney stones embolism.

5 , dates

Prune the kidney is one of the traditional foods " Black Five ." Prune has rich nutritional value, such as carbohydrates , dietary fiber , fat, pectin and protein , but also rich in vitamins and minerals , more importantly Prune contains tannin and yellow pigment and other biologically active substances. And have a strong role to enhance the body immunity , and cardiac, lung cancer, vomiting blood has a significant effect . Prune nutrients containing protein, carbohydrates , organic acids , vitamins and phosphorus, calcium, and iron. Prune warm sweet , with a kidney and stomach function, there is a "nutritional storehouse ," said.

