
Kidney disease can eat

Such a diet is assigned to those people who suffer from lupus , chronic nephritis , kidney disease , weeping eczema , inflammation , accompanied by edema.

Diet in renal disease ahloridnaya , ie completely excluded from the diet of salt . Also sharply limited extractives, slightly reduced protein , as well as moderately limited carbohydrates and fluid. The purpose of the diet - to reduce irritation of the kidneys , thus exerting anti-inflammatory effect .

Diet in renal disease resolves : 100 gr. a day of boiled or grilled meat , poultry, fish, dairy , vegetarian , vegetables, fruit and cereal soups, cheese, cream, sour cream , ghee , butter, unsalted butter , vegetable refined oil , milk , milk tea , sweet tea , eggs moderate amounts ; flour products in any form ; cereals, up to 400 gr. per day of salt-free cookies and white bread , herbs and vegetables (except radishes , celery , parsley , sorrel and spinach ); any fruit and berries , milk- cream sauce , vinegar , after digestion browned onions , sugar , desserts , jam .

Vitamins ingested together with vegetables , fruits , herbs , fruit and berry juices, rosehip infusion .

Doctor appoints amount of salt that can be consumed in the diet .

Diet in renal disease prohibits : sausage , fish, meat and mushroom strong broths and sauces , eggs , cheese , fish and meat products , fragrant and spicy seasonings and roots , sorrel , spinach , chocolate , cocoa , organic coffee , strong tea .

At night the body has to get up to 70-80 g. protein , 70-80 g. fat , 400-450 g. carbohydrates , with a total calorie 2800-3000 kcal .

Diet in renal disease menu :

8 - 9h : eat salad with sour cream , bread with butter , cheese , drink tea with milk.
12 -13h : make scrambled egg yolks , milk porridge and wash down with rosehip infusion .
16 - 17h : eat vegetarian vegetable soup with sour cream, szharte potatoes with meat, fruit , or bake a cake .
19 - 20h : make buckwheat casserole , vegetable patties and szharte stushite dried fruit and sugar.
22h : drink milk and a bun .
Diet for kidney disease.

With this diet you can forget about the dishes , which are prepared with products from a large number of purines , namely, meat soups , grilled meat and fish , brain, liver, kidney, organ meats cooked or fried , with caviar sandwiches or other snacks with various caviar fish species.

Diet consumption nephrolithiasis allows 1-2 times a week, a small amount of boiled meat , or fish. This is in order to satisfy your body's animal protein . Recommended amount eaten meat or fish - 1 oz. Food 1 kg of patient weight . For example, if a man weighs 90 kg , then he should not eat more than 90 grams . of meat per day .

Diet forbids the consumption of vegetables such as spinach , cauliflower , radishes , sorrel, beans, peas, lentils (in general , all legumes ) . But the rest of the vegetables , fruits and berries you should eat enough of them. Even despite the fact that the diet is quite wide , clearly follow -calorie food , that it was small , and those who are obese , caloric and does need to be strictly limited .

Strong tea , coffee and alcoholic beverages altogether exclude advises . And drink as much as possible recommends alkaline mineral water, for example , "Borjomi" . But about what you mineral water is best to drink , talk with your doctor , because if you have seriously disrupted the kidneys , the excessive consumption of such drinks can trigger painful attacks of renal colic .

For someone who suffers kidney disease , will be very useful milk and milk drinks . And the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid .
Be sure to 1-2 times a month spend fasting days. They can be fruit, vegetable or mixed fruit - vegetable . Thus for the fasting day you should eat up to 2 kg of fresh vegetables or fruits and berries ( or you can make them salads) . Fruit can be eaten completely different varieties and crops , but sometimes doctors recommend fasting days at one of the fruit, for example, especially cucumber , apple , grape or watermelon days.

For patients who have kidney stones will be useful fruit - rice fasting days. Then the patient can only eat baked or mashed raw apples and milk rice pudding and stewed apples ( can be dried or other dried fruit ) . Porridge need to eat three times a day. At one meal count 25 gr . rice and 250 grams . milk. Daily eat 200-250 grams . fruit.

