
Characteristics of patients with polycystic kidney disease in the general population

Children can suffer from polycystic kidney disease do?

Only in the past that ADPKD adulthood before the formation of cysts, clinical symptoms, and even now found a small age of the fetus may also be suffering from polycystic kidney disease. Fetus or child polycystic kidney disease patients can be divided into two categories: one in utero or after birth increases or kidney cysts found 1 year; the other is found out that the performance of one year after birth. The former is usually their mother is patient, his brother or sister in an age of onset and more, they can increase the performance of kidney cysts but no fetal period, which appeared in some patients blood pressure is very small, in need of treatment.

1 year after the onset of children whose father was a patient usually, but not their kidney cysts, about 50% of the children only a few cysts, or even just a cyst. For adults lack a diagnosis of polycystic kidney cyst, but the child has a family history of polycystic kidney disease, found a cyst can be diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease. The number of clinical symptoms associated with cysts, cysts in children prone to abdominal pain, back pain and hypertension. Nearly all patients diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease after 1 year of age. His childhood with normal renal function, although there is no trace of their findings to adulthood, but it seems this normal renal function can be maintained into adulthood later.

Polycystic kidney disease in children need to receive what treatment?

Like adults, children want to polycystic kidney disease in the normal range of blood pressure control, along with their normal sex, age varies. When the pain, hematuria, infection and other symptoms need for timely treatment.

Polycystic kidney disease in children need to limit the event?

Do not simply because of polycystic kidney disease and restricted activity, but when a huge cyst, strenuous activity should lead to increased bleeding appropriate restrictions on activities, which are, as the case may be.

Need to tell your child that he may be suffering from polycystic kidney disease, or suffering it?

In general, when the child is too young and naive, there is no need to tell him this thing, to avoid increasing the pressure on his mind when he was a child growing up will be asked about the problem, then the child needs to be simple and true answer. If parents decide the kids line polycystic kidney disease diagnostic tests, the children made ​​it clear that the situation should obtain the consent and cooperation of the child.

Polycystic kidney there are other children in addition to organ damage it?

Like adults, children also have polycystic renal manifestations, such as mitral valve prolapse, hernia incidence in other children and adults is different is that children rarely exhibit the corresponding clinical symptoms.

After suffering from polycystic kidney how to do this?

First, find a trustworthy doctor to establish long-term cooperative relationship. Information about all aspects of access to information polycystic kidney disease, a comprehensive understanding of the disease, in order to guide their choices. Note related symptoms, the symptoms begin next, the duration and aggravate or alleviate way to record, and these inform your doctor. Know your medication regimen, including their efficacy, adverse reactions, with food and other drugs, such as incompatibility. Medication to get doctors agree that it should not be used indiscriminately. Appropriate physical activity, regular physical activity to alleviate high blood pressure, strengthen heart function and reduce psychological stress are good. They do not cause abdominal pain, hematuria, can participate in any physical activity.

Polycystic kidney disease in patients with pregnancy safe yet?

Polycystic kidney disease in patients with renal failure did not occur when its the same with normal fertility. In general, women with normal blood pressure and renal function and production of pregnancy is safe, it is worth noting that the problem is with pregnancy-related hypertension. Patients with normal blood pressure before pregnancy may occur during pregnancy-induced hypertension, elevated blood pressure and still produce after; while that hypertension before pregnancy, pregnancy can lead to a further increase in blood pressure. Blood pressure is very important during pregnancy, when the blood pressure continues to rise, to be alert when proteinuria occurred between the child. Pregnancy does not affect the growth of cysts, polycystic kidney disease in patients with hypertension, but there are more than four times their pregnancy with impaired renal function less important than the number of pregnancies in patients. The couple had one of their children as polycystic kidney disease patients have a 50% chance of getting the disease gene, prenatal diagnosis of genetic testing was 99%, you can choose whether to terminate the pregnancy guide.

