
Spring how to prevent chronic kidney disease

According to statistics, since March, to a major hospital outpatient kidney patients increased by about 20% than ever. Swells temperatures plummeted, many kidney patients have much trouble. Currently patients with onset of this season, in part because of cold induced acute nephritis, new onset IgA nephropathy, nephritis and other diseases; There is another part due to temperature changes, so that the original cause of respiratory infections such as chronic nephritis, nephrotic sicker patients syndrome, diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, kidney disease. So, in this season of kidney patients must pay attention to warm cold, avoid colds, prevent kidney opportunity to gain access.

High incidence of kidney disease related primarily to temperature changes

The onset of spring and summer or aggravate kidney disease, related primarily to temperature changes. Easily lead to large temperature fluctuations in blood pressure or blood sugar, lung infections, as well as, those who do not pay attention to warm cold after suffering from a cold, can easily lead to immune disorders, these will induce or aggravate kidney disease.

If the following occurs, the patient should be vigilant to the hospital: no timely treatment of respiratory tract infection, or permanently, or during cold, shortly after a cold cure, there face or leg edema, decreased urine output, fatigue, dizziness , headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, blurred vision, back pain, hematuria, high blood pressure, joint pain, abdominal pain, increased urination symptoms such as foam; has high blood pressure, diabetes, usually stable blood pressure, blood sugar fluctuations, even difficult to control; maintenance hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis patients, and elderly patients with kidney disease, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing after the event, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, chest tightness and other symptoms.

Cure kidney disease can not be anxious

Patients should not only focus on normal life nursed back to health, but also pay attention to regulate, rational treatment, which is essential for patients with chronic kidney disease, it is not only slow the progression of chronic kidney disease and protect kidney function in patients with residual, and its return to normal for patients society also has a great effect.

For the treatment of chronic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease have a slow progress due process in a different stage of disease, due to the different number of residual renal units, the clinical symptoms of varying severity, its purposes and methods of treatment will vary. In general, chronic kidney disease is divided into five period, the doctor will implement "integrated treatment" for patients depending on the stage of disease. The so-called "integrated treatment" refers to the discovery of progressive kidney disease as early as possible and to make the diagnosis, treatment, and give appropriate interventions to delay the occurrence of renal dysfunction and progression, prevention of uremic complications, minimize the incidence of complications, improve prepare renal replacement therapy and in a timely manner before the start of dialysis treatment.

Since spring is the season of high incidence of kidney disease, how to take preventive measures it? Kidney experts believe that the key lies in peacetime. If people pay attention to self-protection, the kidneys function properly, the body can be adjusted to adapt to rapid changes in temperature changes, thus reducing or preventing the onset of kidney disease; Conversely, if there is no protection awareness, it is easy to lead to metabolic disorders, immune disorders, and induce, aggravate kidney disease or kidney disease leading to relapse.

So, when seasonal changes in patients with kidney disease should pay attention to? In this regard, experts recommend:

First, to prevent colds. Usually have to wear more clothes, the right amount of water, reduce symptoms get angry, there, pay attention to the ventilation of the room and keep indoor air moist, if necessary, the torment of vinegar in the room in order to achieve the purpose of sterilization. If there is a cold swelling, blood in the urine and other symptoms must go to the hospital.

Second, insist on proper exercise. Some patients give up because of the cold weather exercise, and some even long-term fixed bed in the room, this will cause a decline in body resistance or poor circulation, leading to relapse or aggravation. Therefore, patients should adhere to exercise, but exercise should be appropriate, because of excessive exercise equally harmful to the body, and different people to choose their own mode of motion.

Exercise can walk based, as far as possible to participate in outdoor activities when the weather is not suitable for outdoor sports can be a walk in the room, in addition, if you live in a place of serious urban air pollution, you should choose the right time to exercise, avoid excessive inhalation of contaminated the air-induced respiratory disease.

Third, pay attention to maintaining adequate rest. Rest is very important for kidney patients. When blood flow to the kidneys supine standing four times, so proper bed rest in patients with kidney disease, the kidneys can increase blood supply, improve ischemic kidneys, conducive to the recovery of kidney disease. Recommended in patients with kidney disease should not choose labor-intensive work, it is best to ensure that there is a short break at noon time, patients with severe kidney disease, it is best not to work.

Fourth, life to the law. Either kidney disease, kidney disease which ages, we must maintain a healthy long-term patterns of life. Diet should strictly follow the doctor's requirements; better go to bed at about 10:00 rest, do not sleep late the next night; do not drink, smoke; increase the amount of entertainment every day, maintain a happy mood. Young patients should be careful not to indulge in the network, for kidney disease patients, the Internet equivalent of taking a long poison.

