
Nutritional needs dialysis

Regular hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis patients daily nutrient requirements should be based dialysis methods, frequency, time and changes in condition may be. Daily energy can be 126 to 146 kJ (30-35 kcal) / kg body weight supply. Such as lack of heat, then add 70% glucose solution. Patients should be encouraged as much as possible to eat by mouth, such as when enteral nutrition can not meet the need, may be appropriate to use intravenous nutrition. In the dialysis process can lose a lot of amino acids, vitamins and glucose, should pay attention to add. Summed up in the following points:

Ensure energy supply

Hemodialysis patients daily energy supply should be 126 to 146 per kilogram body weight kJ (30 ~ 35 kcal), peritoneal dialysis patients per kilogram of body weight 146-188 kJ (35-45 kcal).

Replenish protein

If the patient dialysis three times a week, the minimum daily requirement of food protein 1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight, which is rich in essential amino acids, high quality protein should be 50%.

Sufficient quantities of vitamin supplements

Dialysis severe loss of water-soluble vitamins in the blood, it must supplement B vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6. Vegetables and fruits are edible, but the disease must be combined to determine the number.

Salt, high potassium fruit and vegetables, fruits and other restrictions according to the disease. Fresh elections should dry beans and their products, nuts and other non-essential amino acid content of foods. Animal fats and spicy foods such as chili, mustard, pepper, coffee, etc. should not eat.

The amount of added potassium and sodium

Hemodialysis potassium intake depends on serum potassium levels, urine, excretion of potassium dialysate and the patient's condition may be. Average daily intake of 2030 mg. If diabetic nephropathy in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment, potassium intake should be carefully controlled. Potassium intake should be controlled in peritoneal dialysis patients in the 2925 mg to 3500 mg, is a high-protein diet principles and the proper limits of potassium.

Hemodialysis, potassium food restrictions 1500 mg to 2000 mg, while the amount of liquid to be controlled to prevent hypertension, pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure. In oliguria should pay attention to limit potassium. Peritoneal dialysis, the sodium intake of 2000 mg to 3000 mg, such as controlling the sodium content in the dialysis solution, is more beneficial for the treatment.

Moderate intake of carbohydrates and fats

Dialysis increasing protein supply, carbohydrate and fat requirements relative reduction benefit lipid lowering.

