
Nephritis Diet

TCM believes that the acute nephritis disease located in the kidney, lung and spleen related, treatment with Xuanfei diuretic, cooling blood detoxification mainly based recovery to heat and dampness, combined with nourishing yin. Warming is not available.

     Here are 13 therapeutic herbs acute glomerulonephritis parties for clinical reference.

     1 consumer proteinuria porridge

     Gorgon, rice each 30g, ginkgo 10, porridge. 1 day, 10-day course of treatment. Intermittent serving 2 to 4 courses (who eat less Gorgon, rice is available 15 ~ 20g).

     3 carp soup

     Carp 1. To the scales, skin and internal organs, add a little villosum, Yiyiren, ginger and garlic. Steamed, without salt, food a day.

     2 sesame walnuts scattered

     Black sesame seeds 500g, walnuts 50g, were fine, each 20g, 3 times a day with warm water. After serving Juefu jujube 7. Drugs to make the best course of treatment.

