
Interpretation of the typical symptoms of kidney Eight

People for Life headlong and mediocre day, because a lot of people working diet is no law, in order to socialize a lot of drinking and smoking, it is easy to neglect their health, and not a few, are relatively common form of kidney disease because obvious symptoms, it is difficult being seriously, here to tell you about the symptoms of kidney deficiency.
Interpretation of the typical symptoms of kidney Eight
Typical symptoms of an aversion to cold:
Cold and afraid of the wind, aversion to cold. "Chills", "limbs" means limbs, cold hands and feet, and even cold to the elbow, knee symptoms. "Chills" are often accompanied by waist and knee pain, God tired lying, less gas lazy words, pale mouth thirst and other kidney diseases.
Typical symptoms of two excessive sexual intercourse:
Excessive sexual intercourse, most kidney injury. Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence, yin and yang metaplasia essence of the internal organs play a role in the nourishment and warmth. Yin and yang in the body of interdependence, mutual restraint, to maintain the body's physiological balance. If this balance is destroyed or party recession will lesions, male impotence, premature ejaculation occurs, Hua Jing, semen disease and other illnesses.
Typical symptoms of dizziness, weakness insomnia three:
Kidney as one of the important organs of the body to nourish and inviting the other organs, if other organs long illness, it is easy to hurt the kidneys. Many chronic diseases such as chronic hepatitis, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, hypertension and other patients, often accompanied by symptoms of kidney deficiency.
Four typical symptoms of asthma:
TCM believes kidney "qi" function, can not be satisfied due to kidney gas, can cause wheezing, shortness of breath, respiratory and more smoke less, so that you find it difficult to breathe carefree. Under severe cases, breathing may also occur along aggravate asthma, cold sweat and other symptoms.
Typical symptoms five dizziness, tinnitus:
Many people have experienced the feeling of dizziness, kind eyes grow dim, dizzy, nausea, vomiting, taste and feel good, but patients often accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus sound, impede hearing, last long, and even cause deafness. Cause dizziness, tinnitus and more associated with liver and kidney. Chinese speaking "kidney essence marrow, marrow and brain poly", so marrow deficiency can cause kidney, brain failure has raised, dizziness, ringing in the ears.
Typical symptoms six constipation:
Constipation can also affect the health of renal function, constipation bowel problems often occur because of anal fissure, hemorrhoids embolism, affecting work and life miserable. Although constipation belong to the large intestine conduction disorders, but its roots are caused due to kidney because the kidney opens into two overcast, the main two stools, stool conduction through the kidney must function properly in order to stimulate and nourish.
Typical symptoms seven backache, leg pain:
Low back pain lies in the kidney, can be divided into internal injuries and strain. Kidney generally refers to the inherent internal injuries, caused by excessive Jiubingtixu or fatigue. Light it difficult to bend or erect, severe heel pain, lower back fatigue embolism; refers to the physical strain overburdened, or long-term work in the same fixed position (using a computer, driving, etc.), as long as kidney damage, leading to Kidney essence deficiency.
Typical symptoms of eight frequent nocturnal pee urgency:
General nocturia more than two times, or more than a quarter full day of urine, severe nocturia one hour once, urine output close to or exceed the amount of urine during the day, such a situation are "nocturnal polyuria." Normal daytime urination, urine alone at night, it is characteristic of the disease, mostly caused by kidney weakness. Unchanged for a long time sitting in the car body stiff, plus drove nervous, over time and eventually lead to the formation of kidney qi stagnation.
These are the symptoms of kidney specialists about to introduce, I hope everyone can help. No matter how busy you must be responsible for their own bodies, and only a healthy body in order to better meet all challenges, if we find frequent back pain, urinary urgency, insomnia, etc. Be sure to go to hospital.

