
Look at the skin to determine diabetic nephropathy

Skin is very important for everyone, it is the body and the external environment of isolation layer of our body plays a protective role. Changchun Central Hospital of Endocrinology Director Dou Anxiang tell you some discomfort when the skin symptoms, should be alert to the possibility of diabetes.
Some symptoms of diabetic nephropathy have skin manifestations, such as skin erythema, which resembles a burn of blisters, which contains a transparent slurry bubble around no flush. Most of these erythema long finger, toe, hand, foot and the back or bottom edge can form single or multiple appear within a few weeks to heal, but it will again appear.

Some patients with diabetes occurs systemic or local dry skin scaling, itchy; Youyi vaginal itching is more common in female patients. Pus may appear in the occipital head neck prickly kind of inflammation, tenderness, and may develop into boils or cellulitis. After pus discharge can heal, but after a while will relapse. Patients with diabetes often occurs for no reason, sweating, and more common in the upper limbs or trunk, and some patients even sweating phenomenon occurs.
Poor peripheral circulation in patients with diabetes, prone to foot pain, dry and easy to crack, prone to ulcers, purulent, necrosis, and difficult to heal.
Patients with diabetes also easy flexor side in the limbs, buttocks, neck, knee, etc. The skin flocks of yellow-orange burst small nodules or papules around to flush and itching feeling. So to remind you that when the occurrence of symptoms of the skin, especially after a dermatologist for treatment, while still recurrent, should be alert to the possibility of diabetes.

