
Treatment of kidney food, what does

Kidney is not uncommon in our lives, is relatively common disease in the elderly. With the continuous improvement of living standards of everyone on the diet has also been further requirements, in fact, in the treatment of patients with kidney when eat some food for kidney treatment can play a great supporting role, the following please follow the small series together to understand.
Gan Ping, there fill the role of the liver and kidney, moisture five internal organs. Such as "Ben Cao Jing Shu" had written:. "Sesame, odor peace, not cold not hot, fill Jiagu liver and kidney are" people, especially kidney backache petrified, dizziness, tinnitus, pleasure and early white hair dry hair, dry stool guitar, the most Yi Shi.
Also known as millet, wheat sub. Can benefit kidney. "Doctors do not record" and "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" are talking about "corn Yang Shen gas." Ming Li added: "millet, kidney Valley also, kidney Yi Shi, porridge eating beneficial pubic region, complement deficiency . "
Also known as rice beans, long beans. Natured, sweet, kidney and spleen, in addition to spleen Yi Shi, the kidney of the people are also advised to eat, right kidney diabetes, nocturnal emission, gonorrhea, or frequent urination, vaginal discharge, women, food is most appropriate. "Compendium of Materia Medica" has this record: "cowpea Lizhong Qi, kidney and stomach, raw essence." "Sichuan Chinese Medicine Chi" also said it "yin and kidney, spleen and stomach, cure vaginal discharge, gonorrhea and kidney wet dream."
Bovine bone marrow
Lungs, kidney, marrow role. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said it "lungs and kidney, Ze muscle, Wyatt faces." Leishou right kidney, and blood loss were, particularly suitable.
Warm, salty taste, in addition to a deficiency of the role, but also kidney yang, so the lack of kidney, waist and knee weakness or cold sore, eat the most appropriate. "Japan Hanako Materia Medica" that: dog. "Fill Stomach, impotence, warm lassitude, tonic labor, benefits of Qigong," "Doctor Lin compile to" Yiyun:. "Dog lungs gas, solid kidney" Qing doctors Zhang Lu added: "dog meat, roadway virtual people, eat the most appropriate." roadway imaginary, namely deficiency weak, Vital Huoshuai is also.
Sheep bones
Warm, sweet, kidney strong bones. "Eat a meal", said: "Yang coccyx kidney tomorrow, make virtual cold coke." "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "sheep spine bone-virtual, through Du, cure back pain, diarrhea; sheep tibia main spleen is weak, . kidney can not be taken fine, whitish "Tang Dynasty" fresh Medical heart mirror "also describes:" Treating kidney virtual cold, lumbar rotation shall be: one with sheep spine, broken hammer boiled, fasting food "for kidney disorders , waist and knee weakness cold, aching twin pain, the most Yi Shi.
Pig kidneys
Nature, taste salty. Tang Meng Shen think pig kidneys "master kidney." "Japan Hanako Materia Medica" it "dirty water, cure deafness." Dirty water in terms of who actually refers to the kidneys. Where it backache back pain due to kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, night sweats and the elderly kidney deafness, tinnitus, should eat it.
Have liver or kidney, essence and blood. "With livable food spectrum," it was "kidney, beneficial blood fill fine." "Materia Medica words" Yiyun:. "Mussels, the drug also raises the kidney tonic, this material belonged referral category, smell sweet and pale, this cool, good governance kidney hot" So, where kidney Leishou, labor hot Gu Zheng, dizziness, night sweats, back pain and impotence of the people, eat the most appropriate.
Also known as scallops. Natured, sweet and salty, can kidney yin, kidney who should eat it, eat medicine Qing Wang Meng said:. "Scallops kidney, and mussels with" "Materia Medica truth," also said it "mayonnaise true Yin ", but in fact refers to the meaning of nourishing yin.
Sea bass
Also known as sea perch, bass sub fish. Natured, sweet, both to fill the stomach, but also liver or kidney, bones and muscles. "Ben Cao Jing Shu" had written: "perch, sweet and light air and flat stomach affordable Kidneys bone, liver reinforcement, the taste is yin, the total attributed to dirty, dirty two benefits of chi, and it could benefit bones.." "Kerry withered Materia Medica, "said:" The bass, more food and pleasant, especially good for grasshopper "Where the liver and kidney, or spleen Safe weak stomach.
Commonly known as Mulberry. Cold, sweet, there is the role of nourishing liver, kidney, Yin. Such as "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" says:. "Mulberry beneficial and solid kidney essence, Jiufu black hair and eyesight," Qing Wang Meng said: "Mulberry Zi liver and kidney, blood filling, healthy walking." So kidney of the people, especially the kidney Yin deficiency who eat the most appropriate.
Nature, sweet and astringent, have kidney Guse, spleen and stopped the leaks of double effect. "Materia Medica one hundred kinds of record" called "spleen and kidney medicine also." "New Materia Medica" also said it "Spleen solid fine." "New Materia Medica" and added: "Gorgon Bute Yijing, astringent and can fine kidney, and yam and use each for the end of day rice transfer service." Where the kidney of the people nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, vaginal discharge, urine can not help or frequency and more, should eat it.
Warm, sweet, except for the role of spleen and stomach, the more power kidney strong waist, right kidney back pain, the most appropriate food. Sun Ssu Tang Dynasty as health experts said: "The raw food, and even cure, waist and feet fail." Ming Li has also written: "cure kidney waist and leg weakness to bag Morio Li hanging dry, eat once every ten stars, time to eat porridge help of pig kidneys, long period strong. "
Warm, sweet, Zhichuan both lungs, but also solid kidney essence, but also laxative. Asthma suitable kidney, impotence, nocturnal emission, low back pain, weak legs, frequent urination, dry stool guitar for people to take them. As the "Medical Zhong West recorded," said:. "Walnuts, for nourishing the liver and kidney, strong bones and muscles to the drug, Gushan cure back pain, leg pain, aching pain for all to kidney, it can Guchi teeth, black hair, rule Consumption Asthma, gas does not return element, the next focus Deficiency, frequent urination, women collapse with sickness. "
Natured, sweet, to the Chinese "top grade" of the drug, in addition to lungs, spleen effects, but also YSTJR. Such as Ming Li said: yam. "Kidney qi, spleen and stomach," "Herbal positive" also contains:. "Yam, spleen tonic, Zi Jing Gu Shen, governance weakness and loss, treatment of five workers and injured seven." "Materia Medica read" added: "yam can Bushentianjing, refined enough then overcast strong, head out, and ears where the top grade of medicine, law should Jiufu, as much for life, keep at least a few years, with the grain of. people odds to attain Shoukao. "so, where the kidney of the people, should eat it.
These are the 15 kinds of kidney patients Xiaobian to introduce the appropriate foods to eat regularly, hoping to give the treatment of kidney patients bring some help. These foods in our daily lives is relatively common, give it a try Oh​​, anyway, is a natural food, the human body without harm. Finally, I wish all kidney patients can recover soon.

