
Encyclopedia of food-related kidney stones

Relationship of common foods and kidney stones

1, the water:

Chronic dehydration and lack of drinking water and urinary stone formation are closely related. Increase water can reduce the risk of urinary stone formation through a variety of mechanisms. Recognized as a reasonable amount of not less than two liters of water a day. Special attention in the evening to drink some water is very important. Add enough liquid in the amount of sleep at night is very important. It has been reported daily drinking 2500ml liquid can prevent the occurrence of calcium in urine freshman calculus. Generally recommended every four hours water 250ml, meal plus 250ml. In addition to the normal water intake of meals, the daily extra water (preferably boiled) 1200-1500mL appropriate.

As for what to drink liquids, agreed that at no less oxalic acid liquid milk is appropriate. About drink hard and soft water has different views, did not confirm more prone to cause hard water softener compared to urinary stone formation. And flow Venereology confirmed a negative correlation between water hardness and and kidney stones. Therefore, the amount of drinking water is the key, and day and night shall be taken into account.

2, oxalate:

As most of urinary stones contain oxalate, thus reducing urinary oxalate is bound to reduce the incidence of urolithiasis. But most ordinary diet less oxalic acid content, and the absorption rate is not high, under normal circumstances, dietary oxalate is absorbed only 8-12%. So no bowel disease patients with high oxalate urinary stones, limiting the role of oxalic acid intake is difficult to predict. Only when insufficient or lack of intestinal bacteria, the oxalate absorption will increase.

25-30% of urinary oxalate Department metabolite of vitamin C, so the vitamin C on urinary oxalate and urinary stone formation plays an important role. Although the recommended dose of vitamin C is 60mg / d, but part of the population for various reasons, a high intake of vitamin C. But the ability of a high intake of vitamin C significantly increased urinary oxalate excretion, resulting in the formation of calcium oxalate urinary stones remaining in opposition. Therefore, large doses of vitamin C urinary calculi in patients still need to be cautious and avoid tea, do not eat lots of chocolate and spinach.

3, Calcium:

It has been proved, generally adopted the practice of limiting dietary calcium, not only can not reduce, but will increase the risk of kidney stone formation. Low calcium diet can promote intestinal absorption of oxalate and causes hyperoxaluria, thus promoting the formation of urinary stones. It has been reported in patients with low calcium diet for urinary stones, are often larger than normal calcium diet dangers. However, studies have shown that calcium supplementation in postmenopausal women does not increase the risk of stone formation, even dangerous, it will only happen in the first few months of calcium. This increase of the best drinking water.

4, salt:

Generally urinary stone patients and controls almost no difference in the habits of salt. But studies suggest that diets high in sodium can increase the tendency to urinary calcium crystals. The amount of salt in the diet to less than 6g / d is appropriate.

5, protein:

Urine Shifa Sheng and affluent life about that and high protein diet. Studies have shown that high-protein diets may increase the incidence of urinary calculi. In contrast, no animal protein and vegetables contain oxalate diet, although high, but low risk of stone formation. So moderation in food protein, especially animal protein, for all patients with stones are beneficial.

6, wine:

Moderate alcohol consumption does not increase the risk of stone formation. Although the long-term drinkers hypercalciuria and high urinary phosphorus is more obvious, but alcohol-induced diuresis can reduce the concentration of urine.

7, citrate:

Citric acid is a natural inhibitor of urinary stones. The following fruits containing citric acid rich: orange, grapefruit, pineapple. Citrus is commonly used as adjuvant therapy compared with low calcium citrate kidney stones. However, a high intake of fruits and vegetables containing citric acid can cause hyperoxaluria offset their increased benefits of citric acid in the diet.

8, Fat:

Urinary calcium excretion in patients with urinary stones refers to the quality of higher than normal, but this has nothing to do with diet. However, the incidence of coronary artery disease and kidney stones Eskimos are low, and their intake of unsaturated fatty acids and more non-relevant.

