
Eight bad habits kidney damage

Kidney hospital experts pointed out that the kidneys are vital organs of the human body, its basic function is to produce urine, in order to rid the body of waste and certain metabolites, toxins, while retained by the reabsorption of water and other useful substances, such as glucose, protein so as to regulate water and electrolyte balance and maintenance of acid-base balance.
Endocrine function of the kidney as well as the degradation of the body parts of endocrine hormones and renal places hormone target organs. These kidney function to ensure a stable environment for the body, so the metabolism to normal. Therefore, to protect the kidneys vital to our health, our daily life then what it used to hurt it?

1, long-term use or high doses of some anti-inflammatory drugs, such as pain tablets, indomethacin, acetaminophen, aspirin, etc., easily lead to kidney damage. Kidney damage can be expressed as: fatigue, dry mouth, loss of appetite, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, hematuria, and even aseptic pyuria, and accompanied by joint pain and other symptoms. Some direct cause acute nephritis or nephrotic syndrome, renal necrosis, severe cases can cause kidney failure and death.
2, an overdose of some herbs. In recent years, clinical constantly found that taking certain herbs (including Chinese medicine) can cause kidney damage. Will "kidney injury" in Chinese herbal medicine: Hook, manshuriensis, cows son, cocklebur, poppy, sward, so that a gentleman, green wood, etc. fangchi. Which leads to kidney damage tripterygium largest, followed manshuriensis. The reason manshuriensis kidney injury is nephrotoxic substances containing aristolochic acid.
3, overeating modern dinner more opportunities, often eating an excessive amount of "delicious" food intake will eventually produce waste, uric acid and urea nitrogen. Most of these wastes through the kidneys, excessive eating will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys.
4, often holding back some people were busy for a long time holding back urine. Urine in the bladder too long it is easy to breed bacteria, the bacteria will retrograde through the ureter to the kidney, leading to urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis. Once such recurrent infections can lead to chronic infection, difficult to cure. Patients will not only back pain, urinary urgency and other symptoms, and may develop into acute uremia.
5, excessive drink soft drinks and sports drinks excessive intake may indirectly damage the kidney. The human body's pH is 7.2, these drinks generally highly acidic body pH change significantly after drinking. Kidneys regulate the pH of the main organs of the human body, long-term excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks, would burden the kidney, increasing the probability of kidney damage.
6, eaten there in soft bread and pastries in a food additive potassium bromate, it gives baked goods gluten strength and flexibility necessary to eat up soft texture, but excessive consumption can damage a person's central nervous system, blood and kidneys. IARC has listed it as a carcinogen.
7, drink and drink and drink tea and some people think that drinking tea can sober up, in fact, not only ineffective, but also hurt the kidneys. Theophylline in tea can quickly affect the kidneys play a diuretic effect, then alcohol have not yet re-decomposition begins kidneys, the kidneys are stimulated a lot of alcohol, so damage kidney function.
8, eating salty salty diet, especially the high salt content of some snacks, such as eating potato chips, instant noodles and other people will unconsciously absorb the excess salt leads to high blood pressure, kidney can not maintain normal blood flow, thus induced nephropathy.

It is thought that the kidneys often determine a person's age, you feel "prematurely" it? You often feel powerless yet? Quickly Have you adhere to the following health care for more than habits start from kidney.

