
Various symptoms of glomerulonephritis

Each disease, there is the onset of obvious symptoms, but doctors are open according to the prescription of symptoms. Thus, the symptoms of a disease that is very important for diagnosis. So, already glomerulonephritis, it how about the onset of the symptoms of it?
First, edema: Edema is a typical symptom of nephritis, glomerular filtration rate, resulting in water and sodium retention; cause urinary loss of protein from the plasma colloid osmotic pressure, causing water retention; renin secretion, causing secondary increased secretion of aldosterone, renal tubular sodium and water reabsorption increases and other factors, is the cause of renal edema. Light only weight gain (recessive edema), severe swelling can be systemic, even belly (chest) cavity large amounts of fluid.
Second, proteinuria: When suffering from nephritis, increased permeability of the glomerular capillary wall, the base film by plasma albumin filtration, and proteinuria, the most important features of glomerulonephritis is proteinuria. We can find this symptom by urinalysis.
Third, anemia: renal anemia is often caused by water retention remain dilution; severe glomerular lesions, red blood cells and anemia erythropoietin decreased. Anemia is generally normal morphology, normal pigment anemia.
Fourth, the tube urine: urine protein tube is formed by coagulation and sedimentation, so when nephritis, should have urine tube. It should be noted that only the protein without the urine tube, does not reflect the glomerular lesions. On the contrary, only the tube without protein nor prompt glomerular lesions. Only when both proteins in the urine tube have only prompted glomerular lesions.
Five, high blood pressure: Many nephritis patients tended to have high blood pressure because the kidneys by regulating water, sodium metabolism, and cause high blood pressure affect the effective circulating blood volume, while producing renin, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Chronic nephritis hypertension 33.3%, 84% incidence of uremia.
These are the onset of symptoms on glomerulonephritis, or as soon as possible once the proposal to medical treatment, early detection and early treatment, beating a speedy recovery, away from the troubled glomerulonephritis disease, stay in school working life.

