
IgA nephropathy What harm the kidneys

IgA nephropathy which harm the kidneys produce? IgA nephropathy is a relatively common kidney disease that if not timely treatment of patients with kidney would have a very big damage. IgA nephropathy the kidneys produce what injuries? Let us introduce in detail.

1, causes the generation of nephrotic syndrome

For the treatment of IgA nephropathy improper or untimely treatment, the patient will have some kidney damage, resulting in IgA nephropathy into nephrotic syndrome. Giving patients have serious repercussions.

2, will result in the generation of nephritis syndrome

When the deterioration of IgA nephropathy, patients will appear microscopic hematuria with / without asymptomatic mild edema, edema and this is very easy to be misdiagnosed as glomerulonephritis, which brought serious harm to patients. More common in the urine screening examination findings and confirmed by biopsy.

3, will produce simple proteinuria

Many patients with IgA nephropathy appears proteinuria and albuminuria make some nutritional protein in the body in the form of urine were lost, giving the patient poses a serious injury.

4, will lead to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

For induced acute nephritis relatively rare. Continued gross hematuria, proteinuria associated with the heart, brain involvement, abrupt deterioration of renal function in the short term, there is a wide range of glomerular crescent biopsy form.

IgA nephropathy which harm the kidneys produce? The above describes the harm to the kidneys of IgA nephropathy, for patients in terms of treatment should be to strengthen the work of IgA nephropathy, which can reduce the harm to the kidney disease, making it easier to rehabilitation IgA nephropathy.

