
What checks it can help early detection of renal failure

In the human body, any one site, all have a very important role, it is indispensable, of course, can not hurt. Especially as the most important parts of this kidney, we must be good care. So, here we explain in detail for everyone, which can help early detection of renal failure in checking it?
1, the rate of water sweeping measure provides, under normal circumstances, this approach can help in early diagnosis, this point is we need to know. Water sweep rate = urine (1 hour) (1 - urinary osmotic pressure / blood osmotic pressure), its usual value -30, the greater the value back, renal super good. The closer to 0, the more severe renal function. -25 ¯ -30 Description renal function has a head start conversion. -25 To -15 Description renal function with mild to moderate destroyed. -15 To 0 with severe renal Description destroyed.
2, blood test, blood test we must check the disease in an examination. We want to know the whereabouts of red blood cells and hemoglobin were, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia. Serum potassium, magnesium, phosphorus increased, or slightly off the usual low sodium, calcium falls short, carbon dioxide combining power also falls short.
3, the natriuretic Order> 30mmol / l. It is also an effective basis for diagnosis, filtration fractional excretion of sodium (fena) test set, the Act will provide meaning to etiology.
4, azotemia, elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. Is also an important step in the diagnosis of renal failure, but can not alone be used as basis for the diagnosis azotemia, bleeding patients with renal urea nitrogen also increased due to the digestive tract with the usual time. Renal failure patients increased serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen / creatinine ≤ 10 is the primary diagnostic purposes. In addition, urine / blood urea <15 (usual urinary urea 200-600mmol/24h, the urine / blood urea> 20), urine / serum creatinine ≤ 10 also has diagnostic significance.
5, urine tests, we can detect this kind of judgment based on the following data. Oliguria, urine output ≤ 17ml / h or <400ml / d, low specific gravity <1.014 as well as a solid set at around 1.010, urine acidic urine protein order of + to + + +, urine examination shows thick heavy slag particles tube, a small number of red blood cells, which are good for kidney failure interpretation.
The above article has a detailed introduction for everyone, check what life can help early detection of renal failure in patients with the problem, and now we should not be so confused now. In our lives, we must adopt renal failure patients the doctor's recommendations for treatment, this is the best way to help treat kidney failure.

