
Note aspects of daily health kidney patients

Kidney patients should pay attention to what aspects of daily care, after the above, I believe the patient has a very clear now, so for their own health, we must pay more attention in the usual life, hope for an early recovery.

Now in addition to kidney patients in the hospital for treatment outside, be sure to pay attention to the daily care, or else it will lead to complications, then kidney patients should pay attention to what aspects of daily care, take a look!
First, patients should pay attention to cold
The patient should be taken to avoid colds, usually occurs in patients with edema, hematuria after cold days. If the detection of renal function, you will find the rapid increase in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. Many patients suffering from chronic nephritis after watching the cold had "fought" Nephrology, there are many patients with kidney disease is to be found in the incidence of the common cold.
Second, patients should pay attention to diet
For kidney patients should pay attention to proper diet. Chronic kidney disease patients in the winter because it is easy to excessive intake of protein and lead to kidney failure worse. After eating and drinking at first may appear to be a poor appetite, a lot of people mistaken for digestive go wrong, might go gastroenterology clinic. In fact, anemia, high blood pressure, swelling, backache may be a precursor to the onset of the kidney.

Third, patients should exercise more
For patients should strengthen the training of the body, this would slow down the renal blood flow, increase stasis and kidney sclerosis atrophy. Kidney patients should adhere to a reasonable exercise, on the one hand enhance immunity, prevent colds, on the other hand strengthen renal blood flow, helps repair and prevent glomerulosclerosis.

