
Endanger the life of kidney stones, what does

We should have a better understanding of stones, kidney stones can be said of all the most serious form of stones, kidney damage is most likely a disease, so people have to pay attention to him. So, here we explain in detail for everyone living in the kidney harm, what does? Specific content see description below it.
Kidney stones hazards:
An obstruction. When kidney stones fall into the ureter stenosis, can cause partial or complete obstruction, leading to urinary tract water, even pelvis expand and cause pain, difficulty urinating, urinating suddenly interrupted, urine retention and other symptoms.
Two, waist pain. Longer retention in patients with kidney stones, about half of them will be back, abdominal pain. Light for pain, pain, dull pain and other symptoms; severe paroxysmal was violently intermittent colic, some, such as knife-like pain, mostly associated with the ipsilateral inguinal and perineal radiation, a small number of patients with contralateral simultaneously reflex pain, pain is ipsilateral light. Severe pain, patients often groan more than, restless, nausea, vomiting, pale, sweating, blood pressure, showed collapse or shock. A few patients pain and relieve itself after a few hours, most people need to use antispasmodic, analgesic to terminate. Such as stones falling into the bladder, in addition to pain, there will be urgency, frequency of stones irritation.
Third, hematuria. Hematuria often seen after various physical activities. Hematuria divided into gross hematuria, that the naked eye can be observed urine was red; microscopic hematuria, that the naked eye can not see the color change, can only be observed through the microscope of red blood cells in the urine. Therefore, found that when patients with gout microscopic urine tests when there are more red blood cells, to check whether there are stones exist.
Above article has been described in detail for everyone, the life of kidney stones What harm, I hope everyone can clearly recognize the dangers of these kidney stones. In our lives, there will be symptoms of kidney stones in patients with backache, and we must take good care of your body. Finally, I wish you good health.

